Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1227

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12 2 STA T . 12 04PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 3 4 —M A Y 22 , 200 8‘ ‘ SEC.602 . NATIO NA L CENTE RF ORR U RAL TELECO M MUNICATIONS ASSESSMENT. ‘ ‘ (a)DESIGNAT I O NO FC ENTE R.—TheS e cr e t ar ys ha l l d es ign ate an entity t o ser v easthe N ational Center f or Ru ral Teleco m muni - cations A ssessment (referred to in this section as the ‘Center ’ ). ‘‘( b ) CRITERIA.— I n designating the Center under subsection (a) , the Secretary shall ta k e into consideration the follo w ing criteria

‘‘( 1 ) The Center shall be an entity that demonstrates to the Secretary— ‘‘(A) a focus on rural p olicy research

and ‘‘( B ) a minimum of 5 years of e x perience relating to rural telecommunications research and assessment. ‘‘( 2 ) The Center shall be capable of assessing broadband services in rural areas. ‘‘( 3 ) The Center shall have significant experience involving other rural economic development centers and organi z ations with respect to the assessment of rural policies and the formula- tion of policy solutions at the F ederal, State, and local levels. ‘‘(c) BOAR D OF DIRE C TORS.—The Center shall be managed by a board of directors, which shall be responsible for the duties of the Center described in subsection (d). ‘‘(d) D U TIES.—The Center shall— ‘‘(1) assess the effectiveness of programs carried out under this title in increasing broadband penetration and purchase in rural areas, especially in rural communities identified by the Secretary as having no broadband service before the provi- sion of a loan or loan guarantee under this title; ‘‘(2) work with existing rural development centers selected by the Center to identify policies and initiatives at the Federal, State, and local levels that have increased broadband penetra- tion and purchase in rural areas and provide recommendations to Federal, State, and local policymakers on effective strategies to bring affordable broadband services to residents of rural areas, particularly residents located outside of the municipal boundaries of a rural city or town; and ‘‘(3) develop and publish reports describing the activities carried out by the Center under this section. ‘‘(e) RE P ORTING RE Q UIRE M ENTS.—Not later than December 1 of each applicable fiscal year, the board of directors of the Center shall submit to Congress and the Secretary a report describing the activities carried out by the Center during the preceding fiscal year and the results of any research conducted by the Center during that fiscal year, including— ‘‘(1) an assessment of each program carried out under this title; and ‘‘(2) an assessment of the effects of the policy initiatives identified under subsection (d)(2). ‘‘(f) AUT H ORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $ 1, 0 00,000 for each of fiscal years 200 8 through 2012.’’. SEC. 6 1 12. COM P RE H ENSI V E RURAL B ROA D BAND STRATE GY . (a) IN G ENERA L .—Not later than 1 year after the date of enact- ment of this Act, the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, in coordination with the Secretary, shall submit to Congress a report describing a comprehensive rural broadband strategy that includes— Deadlin e .R e ports . Pub li c ation. Reports. 7USC950 bb –1 .