Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1283

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12 2 STA T . 12 60PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 34—M A Y 22 , 200 8jurisd i ct i on o f t heD e pa rt m ent that re l ate to research , edu - cation, and economics .‘ ‘ (2)SPECIF ICF UN C T I O N SA N D DUTIES. —T he U nder Sec- retar y shall— ‘‘( A ) identify, address, and prioriti z e current and emer g ing agricultural research, education, and e x tension needs (including funding)

‘‘( B ) ensure that agricultural research, education, and extension programs are effecti v ely coordinated and integrated— ‘‘(i) across disciplines, agencies, and institutions; and ‘‘(ii) among applica b le participants, grantees, and beneficiaries; ‘‘( C ) promote the collaborative use of all agricultural research, education, and extension resources from the local, State, tribal, regional, national, and international levels to address priority needs; and ‘‘(D) foster communication among agricultural research, education, and extension beneficiaries, including the public, to ensure the delivery of agricultural research, education, and extension k no w ledge. ‘‘( 3 ) ADDITIONA L FUNCTIONS.—The Under Secretary shall perform such other functions and duties as may be re q uired by law or prescribed by the Secretary. ‘‘(e) R ESEA R C H , E DUCATION, AND E X TENSION O FFICE.— ‘‘( 1 ) ESTA B LISH M ENT.—The Under Secretary shall organize within the office of the Under Secretary 6 Divisions, to be known collectively as the ‘Research, Education, and Extension Office ’ , which shall coordinate the research programs and activi- ties of the Department. ‘‘(2) DI V ISION DESI G NATIONS.—The Divisions within the Research, Education, and Extension Office shall be as follows

‘‘(A) Renewable energy, natural resources, and environ- ment. ‘‘(B) F ood safety, nutrition, and health. ‘‘(C) P lant health and production and plant products. ‘‘(D) Animal health and production and animal prod- ucts. ‘‘(E) Agricultural systems and technology. ‘‘(F) Agricultural economics and rural communities. ‘‘(3) DIVISION CHIEFS.— ‘‘(A) SELECTION.—The Under Secretary shall select a Division Chief for each Division using available personnel authority under title 5 , United States Code, including— ‘‘(i) by term, temporary, or other appointment, without regard to— ‘‘( I ) the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service; ‘‘(II) the provisions of subchapter I of chapter 35 of title 5, United States Code, relating to reten- tion preference; and ‘‘(III) the provisions of chapter 51 and sub- chapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code, relating to classification and G eneral Schedule pay rates;