Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/132

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12 2 STA T . 1 09PUBLIC LA W 110 – 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 to t hem em b e r’s e n t i t l ement to e duca tional assistance under this cha p ter shall be determined b y proratin g the entitlement charge - able , in the manner pro v ided f or under paragraph (1) , for the periods covered by the initial rate and increased rate, respectively, in accordance w ith regulations prescribed by the S ecretary of V et- erans A ffairs .‘ ‘(f) REGULATIONS . —T he Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall pre- scribe regulations to carry out this section. The regulations shall include re q uirements, conditions, and methods for the request, issuance, delivery, certification of receipt and use, and recovery of overpayment of an accelerated payment of educational assistance allowance under this section. The regulations may include such elements of the regulations prescribed under section 30 1 4 A of title 3 8 as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs considers appropriate for purposes of this section. ‘‘(g) L I M ITATION.—The aggregate amount of educational assist- ance payable under this section in any fiscal year for enrollments covered by subsection (b)(1) may not e x ceed $ 3,000,000.’’. ( 2 ) C LE R I C AL AMEN D MENT.—The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 1 6 0 7 of such title is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 16162 the following new item

‘ 16 16 2a.Ac c el e r a t e dp a ym e n t of ed u cat i onal a s sistance. ’ ’. (3) EF FECTI V E DATE.—The amendments made by this sub- section shall ta k e effect on O ctober 1, 2008, and shall only apply to initial enrollments in approved programs of education after such date. (c) EN H ANCEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR RESERVE COM P ONENT M EM B ERS SUPPORTING CONTINGENC Y OPERATIONS AND OTHER OPERATIONS.— (1) ASSISTANCE FOR THREE YEARS CUMULATIVE SERVICE.— Subsection (c)(4)(C) of section 16162 of title 10, U nited States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘for two continuous years or more.’’ and inserting ‘‘for— ‘‘(i) two continuous years or more

or ‘‘(ii) an aggregate of three years or more.’’. (2) CONTRIBUTIONS FOR INCREASED AMOUNT OF EDU- CATIONAL ASSISTANCE.—Such section is further amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ‘‘(f) CONTRIBUTIONS FOR I NCREASED AMOUNT OF EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE.—(1)(A) Any individual eligible for educational assist- ance under this section may contribute amounts for purposes of receiving an increased amount of educational assistance as provided for in paragraph (2). ‘‘( B ) An individual covered by subparagraph (A) may make the contributions authori z ed by that subparagraph at any time while a member of a reserve component, but not more frequently than monthly. ‘‘(C) The total amount of the contributions made by an indi- vidual under subparagraph (A) may not exceed $600. Such contribu- tions shall be made in multiples of $20. ‘‘( D ) Contributions under this subsection shall be made to the Secretary concerned. Such Secretary shall deposit any amounts received as contributions under this subsection into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. 10USC 1 6 16 2anote.