Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1345

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12 2 STA T . 1 3 22 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 23 4—M A Y 22 , 200 8‘ ‘ (4)AD D IT I ONALC ON S ID ER ATIONS .—With i n th e te c hnic al a r ea sd escri b ed in p ara g raph ( 3 ) , the S ecretaries shall s u pp o rt research and de v elop m ent— ‘‘(A) to create continuousl y e x panding opportunities f or participants in existing biofuels production by see k ing synergies and continuity w ith current technologies and practices

‘‘( B ) to maximi z e the environmental, economic, and social benefits of production of biofuels and derived biobased products on a large scale; and ‘‘( C ) to facilitate small - scale production and local and on-farm use of biofuels, including the development of small- scale gasification technologies for production of biofuel from cellulosic feedstocks. ‘‘( 5 ) E LI G I B ILIT Y .— T o be eligible for a grant, contract, or assistance under this section, an applicant shall be— ‘‘(A) an institution of higher education; ‘‘(B) a N ational L aboratory; ‘‘(C) a F ederal research agency; ‘‘( D ) a State research agency; ‘‘(E) a private sector entity; ‘‘(F) a nonprofit organization; or ‘‘( G ) a consortium of 2 or more entities described in subparagraphs (A) through (F). ‘‘( 6 )AD M INISTRATION.— ‘‘(A) I N GENERAL.—After consultation with the Board, the points of contact shall— ‘‘(i) publish annually 1 or more j oint re q uests for proposals for grants, contracts, and assistance under this subsection; ‘‘(ii) require that grants, contracts, and assistance under this section be awarded based on a scientific peer review by an independent panel of scientific and technical peers; ‘‘(iii) give special consideration to applications that— ‘‘(I) involve a consortia of experts from mul- tiple institutions; ‘‘(II) encourage the integration of disciplines and application of the best technical resources; and ‘‘(III) increase the geographic diversity of dem- onstration projects; and ‘‘(iv) require that the technical areas described in each of subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of paragraph (3) receive not less than 15 percent of funds made available to carry out this section. ‘‘(B) COST S H ARE.— ‘‘(i) R ESEARCH AND DE V ELO P MENT PRO J ECTS.— ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in sub- clause (II), the non-Federal share of the cost of a research or development project under this sec- tion shall be not less than 2 0 percent. ‘‘(II) RED U CTION.—The Secretary of Agri- culture or the Secretary of Energy, as appropriate, may reduce the non-Federal share required under Publicat i on.