Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1691

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12 2 STA T . 1 6 6 8PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 4 6 —J U NE 18 , 2008 (4)EXCEPTIONF O RD O UBL E - CROPPED A CREA G E .—Inap p lyi n g pa r agrap h ( 1 ) ,t h eS e c retary s hall m a k eane x cepti o n in the case o fd o ub le cropping, as determined by the Secretary. ( 5 ) C OORDINATED APPLICATION OF RE Q UIRE M ENT S .— T he Secretary shall take into account section 1 302 (b) w hen applying the re q uirements of this subsection. (c) R EDUCTION IN B ASE A CRES.— (1) REDUCTION AT OPTION OF O W NER.— (A) IN GENERAL.—The owner of a farm may reduce, at any time, the base acres for any co v ered commodity for the farm. (B) EFFECT OF REDUCTION.—A reduction under subparagraph (A) shall be permanent and made in a manner prescribed by the Secretary. (2) REQUIRED ACTION B Y SECRETARY.— (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall proportionately reduce base acres on a farm for covered commodities for land that has been subdivided and developed for multiple residential units or other nonfarming uses if the si z eof the tracts and the density of the subdivision is such that the land is unlikely to return to the previous agricultural use, unless the producers on the farm demonstrate that the land— (i) remains devoted to commercial agricultural production

or (ii) is likely to be returned to the previous agricul- tural use. (B) REQUIREMENT.—The Secretary shall establish procedures to identify land described in subparagraph (A). (3) RE V IEW AND REPORT.—Each year, to ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that payments are received only by producers, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that describes the results of the actions taken under paragraph (2). (d) TREATMENT OF F ARMS W IT HL IMITED BASE ACRES.— (1) P ROHIBITION ON PAYMENTS.—Except as provided in paragraph (2) and notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a producer on a farm may not receive direct payments, counter-cyclical payments, or average crop revenue election pay- ments if the sum of the base acres of the farm is 10 acres or less, as determined by the Secretary. (2) EXCEPTIONS.—Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a farm owned by— (A) a socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher (as defined in section 355(e) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural D evelopment Act ( 7U .S.C. 2003(e)); or (B) a limited resource farmer or rancher, as defined by the Secretary. (3) DATA COLLECTION AND PUBLICATION.—The Secretary shall— (A) collect and publish segregated data and survey information about the farm profiles, utilization of land, and crop production; and (B) perform an evaluation on the supply and price of fruits and vegetables based on the effects of suspension of base acres under this section. Procedu re s.