Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1695

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12 2 STA T . 1 67 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 4 6 —J U NE 1 8, 2008 (D)Barley,$2. 2 4p er bush el. ( E ) O a t s,$ 1 .44 per bushel. ( F ) U pla ndco tton, $ 0 . 7 12 5 per pound. ( G ) L on g gra i n rice, $10.50 per hundred w eight. ( H ) M ediu m grain rice, $10.50 per hundredweight. ( I ) S oybeans, $5. 8 0 per bushel. ( J ) Other oilseeds, $10.10 per hundredweight. ( K ) Dry peas, $8. 3 2 per hundredweight. (L) Lentils, $12.81 per hundredweight. (M) Small chic k peas, $10.3 6 per hundredweight. ( N ) Large chickpeas, $12.81 per hundredweight. (3) S UBSEQ UE NTCROPY E A RS. — For purposes o f each of the 2010 through 2012 crop years, the target prices for co v ered commodities shall be as follows

( A ) W heat, $4.17 per bushel. (B) C orn, $2.63 per bushel. (C) Grain sorghum, $2.63 per bushel. (D) Barley, $2.63 per bushel. (E) Oats, $1.7 9 per bushel. (F) Upland cotton, $0.7125 per pound. (G) Long grain rice, $10.50 per hundredweight. (H) Medium grain rice, $10.50 per hundredweight. (I) Soybeans, $6.00 per bushel. (J) Other oilseeds, $12.68 per hundredweight. (K) Dry peas, $8.32 per hundredweight. (L) Lentils, $12.81 per hundredweight. (M) Small chickpeas, $10.36 per hundredweight. (N) Large chickpeas, $12.81 per hundredweight. (d) P AY M ENT R ATE.— T he payment rate used to make counter - cyclical payments with respect to a covered commodity for a crop year shall be e q ual to the difference between— (1) the target price for the covered commodity

and (2) the effective price determined under subsection (b) for the covered commodity. (e) PAYMENT AMOUNT.—If counter-cyclical payments are required to be paid under this section for any of the 2008 through 2012 crop years of a covered commodity, the amount of the counter- cyclical payment to be paid to the producers on a farm for that crop year shall be equal to the product of the following: (1) The payment rate specified in subsection (d). (2) The payment acres of the covered commodity on the farm. (3) The payment yield for the covered commodity for the farm. (f) T I ME F OR PAYMENTS.— (1) GENERA L RULE.—E x cept as provided in paragraph (2), if the Secretary determines under subsection (a) that counter- cyclical payments are required to be made under this section for the crop of a covered commodity, beginning October 1, or as soon as practicable thereafter, after the end of the mar- keting year for the covered commodity, the Secretary shall make the counter-cyclical payments for the crop. (2) A V AILABILITY OF PARTIAL PAYMENTS.— (A) IN G ENERAL.—If, before the end of the 12-month marketing year for a covered commodity, the Secretary estimates that counter-cyclical payments will be required for the crop of the covered commodity, the Secretary shall