Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1835

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12 2 STA T . 1 8 12 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 18 , 2008 rep re s e ntav ar i et yofd is c ip l ines in t h e soil ,w ater, wetland, and wildlife sciences .T he technical co m mittee for a S tate shall incl u de representatives from amon g the following

‘ (1) The N atural R esources C onservation Service. ‘‘( 2 ) The F arm Service A gency. ‘‘( 3 ) The Forest Service. ‘‘( 4 ) The National I nstitute of Food and Agriculture. ‘‘( 5 ) The State fish and wildlife agency. ‘‘( 6 ) The State forester or e q uivalent State official. ‘‘( 7 ) The State water resources agency. ‘‘( 8 ) The State department of agriculture. ‘‘( 9 ) The State association of soil and water conservation districts. ‘‘(1 0 ) Agricultural producers representing the variety of crops and livestoc k or poultry raised within the State. ‘‘(11) O wners of nonindustrial private forest land. ‘‘(12) Nonprofit organi z ations within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 with demon - stra b le conservation e x pertise and experience working with agriculture producers in the State. ‘‘(13) Agribusiness. ‘ ‘ SEC.126 2. R ES PON S IB I L I T IES. ‘‘(a) I NGE NE RAL . —E ach State technical committee established under section 1261 shall meet regularly to provide information, analysis, and recommendations to appropriate officials of the D epartment of Agriculture who are charged with implementing the conservation provisions of this title. ‘‘(b) PUB L IC N OT ICE AN D ATTENDANCE.—Each State technical committee shall provide public notice of, and permit public attend- ance at, meetings considering issues of concern related to carrying out this title. ‘‘(c) ROLE.— ‘‘(1) IN G ENERAL.—The role of State technical committees is advisory in nature, and such committees shall have no implementation or enforcement authority. H owever, the Sec- retary shall give strong consideration to the recommendations of such committees in administering the programs under this title. ‘‘(2) AD V I S OR Y ROLE IN ESTABLIS H ING P ROGRA M PRIORITIES AND CRITERIA.—Each State technical committee shall advise the Secretary in establishing priorities and criteria for the programs in this title, including the review of whether local working groups are addressing those priorities. ‘‘(d) FACA RE Q UIREMENTS.— ‘‘(1) E X EMPTION.—Each State technical committee shall be exempt from the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U .S.C. App.). ‘‘(2) L OCAL W OR K ING GROUPS.—For purposes of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.), any local working group established under this subtitle shall be considered to be a subcommittee of the applicable State technical committee. ’ ’. 16USC38 6 2.