Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2043

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12 2 STA T . 2 0 20 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 (b)REVI E WAB I L I TY.—Theroadm a p de sc r i bed i nt his section sha l lnotbes u b j ect to re v ie w b y any o f ficer or employee of the F ederal G overnment other than the S ecretary (or a desi g nee of the Secretary). (c) R O A DM A PI MPLEME N TATION AND REPO R T.— N ot later than 1 year after the date on which the Secretary commences preparation of the roadmap under this section , the Secretary shall— (1) implement and use the roadmap to set the research, education, and e x tension agenda of the D epartment of A gri - culture

and ( 2 )ma k e the roadmap available to the public. SEC.750 5. R E VI E WOFPLAN OF WOR K RE QU IRE M EN T S. (a) REVIEW.—The Secretary shall work with university partners in extension and research to review and identify measures to streamline the submission, reporting under, and implementation of plan of work re q uirements, including those requirements under— (1) sections 1 4 44(d) and 144 5 (c) of the National Agricultural Research, E xtension, and Teaching P olicy Act of 1 97 7(7 U .S. C . 3 221(d) and 3222(c), respectively); (2) section 7 of the H atch Act of 1 8 87 (7 U.S.C. 3 6 1g); and (3) section 4 of the Smith- L ever Act (7 U.S.C. 344). (b) CON SU LTATION.—In carrying out the review and formulating and compiling the recommendations, the Secretary shall consult with the land-grant institutions. SEC. 750 6 . B U DG ET SUBMISSION AND FUNDING. (a) DE F INITION OF COMPETITIVE PRO G RAMS.—In this section, the term ‘ ‘competitive programs ’ ’ includes only competitive programs for which annual appropriations are requested in the annual budget submission of the President. (b) B UDGET RE Q UEST.—The President shall submit to Congress, together with the annual budget submission of the President, a single budget line item reflecting the total amount requested by the President for funding for research, education, and extension activities of the Research, Education, and Economics mission area of the Department for that fiscal year and for the preceding 5 fiscal years. (c) CAPA C ITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM REQUEST.— O f the funds requested for capacity and infrastructure programs in excess of the capacity and infrastructure program critical base funding level, budgetary emphasis should be placed on enhancing funding for— (1) 189 0 Institutions; (2) 1994 Institutions; (3) NLGCA Institutions; (4) Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities; and (5) small 1862 Institutions. (d) COMPETITIVE PROGRAM REQUEST.—Of the funds requested for competitive programs in excess of the competitive program crit- ical base funding level, budgetary emphasis should be placed on— (1) enhancing funding for emerging problems; and (2) finding solutions for those problems. 7USC 7 614c. 7 USC 7614 b .