Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2413

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12 2 STA T . 2 390PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 5 2 —J U NE 30 , 200 8(andther e sul ts of su c h act iv ities ) funded under p ara g raph ( 1 ) to reduce w aste , fraud, and a b use in the M edicaid progra m under title XI Xofthe S ocial Securit yA ct during the previous 1 2 month period, including the amount of funds appropriated under such paragraph for each such activity and an estimate of the savings to the Medicaid program resulting from each such activity . (c) S TUDYAN D REPOR T S TO C ON G RESS. — (1) SE C RETAR I A L REPORT IDENTI F YING PRO B LE M S.— N ot later than J anuary 1, 2 0 0 9 , the Secretary of H ealth and Human Services shall submit to the Committee on E nergy and Com - merce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on F inance of the Senate a report that— (A) outlines the specific problems the Medicaid regula- tions referred to in the amendments made by paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) were intended to address

( B ) details how these regulations were designed to address these specific problems; and (C) cites the legal authority for such regulations. (2) INDEPENDENT COMPRE H ENSI V E STUDY AND REPORT.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than January 1, 2009, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall enter into a contract with an independent organi z ation for the purpose of— (i) producing a comprehensive report on the preva- lence of the problems outlined in the report submitted under paragraph (1); (ii) identifying strategies in e x istence to address these problems; and (iii) assessing the impact of each regulation referred to in such paragraph on each State and the D istrict of Columbia. (B) ADDITIONAL MATTER.— T he report under subpara- graph (A) shall also include— (i) an identification of which claims for items and services (including administrative activities) under title XIX of the Social Security Act are not processed through systems described in section 190 3 (r) of such Act; (ii) an examination of the reasons why these claims for such items and services are not processed through such systems; and (iii) recommendations on actions by the Federal government and the States that can ma k e claims for such items and services more accurate and complete consistent with such title. (C) DEADLINE.—The report under subparagraph (A) shall be submitted to the Committee on Energy and Com- merce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Finance of the Senate not later than September 1, 2009. (D) COOPERATION OF STATES.—If the Secretary of Health and Human Services determines that a State or the District of Columbia has not cooperated with the inde- pendent organization for purposes of the report under this paragraph, the Secretary shall reduce the amount paid to the State or District under section 1903(a) of the Social Contrac t s.