Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2427

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12 2 STA T . 2 40 4 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 5 2 —J U NE3 0 , 200 8Provide d fu r th er ,That th e a u th ori t yp ro v i d edi n thi s se c tion is in addition to any other trans f er authority avai l a b le to the D epart -m ent of Defense and is sub j ect to the same terms and conditions as the authority provided in section 80 0 5 of P ublic L a w1 10 – 11 6, e x cept for the fourth proviso .SEC . 9 10 4 . ( a )F rom funds made available for operation and maintenance in this chapter to the Department of Defense, not to exceed $ 1, 2 26,841,000 may be used, notwithstandin g any other provision of law, to fund the C ommander ’ s E mergency R esponse Program, for the purpose of enabling military commanders in I ra q , A fghanistan, and the Philippines to respond to urgent humanitarian relief and reconstruction requirements within their areas of respon- sibility by carrying out programs that will immediately assist the Iraqi, Afghan, and Filipino people. (b) N ot later than 15 days after the end of each fiscal year quarter, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report regarding the source of funds and the allocation and use of funds during that quarter that were made available pursuant to the authority provided in this section or under any other provision of law for the purposes of the programs under subsection (a). ( IN C LUD IN GTRA N SF ER O F FUNDS) SEC. 9105. During fiscal year 2008, the Secretary of Defense may transfer not to exceed $6,500,000 of the amounts in or credited to the Defense Cooperation Account, pursuant to 10 U .S.C. 2608, to such appropriations or funds of the Department of Defense as the Secretary shall determine for use consistent with the purposes for which such funds were contributed and accepted

Provided, That such amounts shall be available for the same time period as the appropriation to which transferred: Provided further, That the Secretary shall report to the Congress all transfers made pursu- ant to this authority. SEC. 9106. O f the amount appropriated by this chapter under the heading ‘ ‘Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense’’, not to exceed $20,000,000 may be used for the provision of support for counter-drug activities of the G overnments of Afghani- stan, K a z a k hstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, as specified in section 10 3 3 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Y ear 1998 (Public Law 105–85, as amended by Public Laws 106–398, 108–136, 109–364, and 110– 181): Provided, That such support shall be in addition to support provided under any other provision of the law. SEC. 910 7 . Amounts provided in this chapter for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan may be used by the Department of Defense for the purchase of up to 20 heavy and light armored vehicles for force protection purposes, notwithstanding price or other limita- tions specified elsewhere in the Department of Defense Appropria- tions Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–116), or any other provision of law: Provided, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds provided in Public Law 110–116 and Public Law 110–161 under the heading ‘‘Other Procurement, Navy’’ may be used for the purchase of 21 vehicles required for physical security of per- sonnel, notwithstanding price limitations applicable to passenger vehicles but not to exceed $255,000 per vehicle: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall submit a report in writing no later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal quarter notifying Reports.D e adlin es. Reports. Deadlines. Reports.