Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2447

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12 2 STA T . 2 4 24 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 5 5 —J U NE3 0 , 200 8LEGIS L AT I V E H IST ORY— S .2146( H.R. 375 4 ): HO U SE RE P ORTS: No . 11 0– 705 ac co mp a nyi n g H.R. 3754 ( C omm. on En er gy an d Commerce). SENATE REPORTS: No. 110–266 (Comm. on En v ironmen t and P ubl ic W or ks ). CONGRESSIONAL RECOR D, Vol. 154 (200 8 ): F eb. 2 9 , considered and passed Senate. J une 11, 12, considered and passed House, amended. June 17, Senate concurred in House amendment. ‘ ‘ (9)DEFIN I T I O NOF S T A TE .—Thet e rm ‘ S t a te ’includ e s the District ofC olum b ia.’’. (b) CONFO RM IN GA MEN D MENTS.—( 1 ) Section 7 9 3 (d)( 2 ) of such Act ( 4 2 U .S.C. 1 6 133(d)(2)) is amended b y stri k in g ‘‘ G o v ernor’’ and inserting ‘‘chief e x ecutive’’. (2) Sub p aragraphs (A) and ( B ) of section 793(c)(2) of such Act are each amended by striking ‘‘ 50 ’’ and inserting ‘‘51’’ and by striking ‘‘2 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘1.96 percent’’ in each place such terms appear. Approved J une 30 , 200 8 .