Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2494

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12 2 STA T . 2 47 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 6 1 —J UL Y 10 , 200 8SEC.20 2. T EC HNI C AL A M EN D MENTS. Thetabl e ofc o n tent si nthefi r st section of the F orei g n I ntel - ligence Su r v eillance A ct of 1978(50U. S. C . 1801 et se q . ), as a m en d edb y section 101(b), is further amended by adding at the end the follo w ing

‘ TI T LEV III —PRO TE C TIO N O F PER S ONS A SSISTIN G T H E GOVERN M ENT ‘‘S ec.801 . D e fin i t i o n s . ‘‘Sec. 80 2 . P r oce du res for i mpl ementin g st a tutor y defenses. ‘‘Sec. 80 3 . Preemption. ‘‘Sec. 80 4 . Reporting. ’ ’. TI T LE III —R E V IE WOFP REVIO USAC TIO N S SEC. 3 0 1 . R E V IE WOFP REVIO U S ACTIONS. (a) DEFIN I T I O N S . — In this section: (1) A P P R OPRI A TE C O M MITTEES OF CON G RESS.—The term ‘ ‘a p propriate committees of Congress ’ ’ means— (A) the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Com- mittee on the J udiciary of the Senate

and ( B ) the P ermanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Committee on the Judiciary of the H ouse of R ep- resentatives. ( 2 ) FOREIGN INTE L LIGENCE S U R V EILLANCE COURT.—The term ‘‘Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’’ means the court established under section 10 3 (a) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1803(a)). (3) PRESI D ENT’S SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM AND PROGRAM.— The terms ‘‘President’s Surveillance Program’’ and ‘‘Program’’ mean the intelligence activity involving communications that was authori z ed by the President during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, and ending on January 17, 2007, including the program referred to by the President in a radio address on December 17, 2005 (commonly k nown as the Ter- rorist Surveillance Program). (b) REVIE W S.— (1) RE Q UIREMENT TO CONDUCT.—The Inspectors G eneral of the Department of Justice, the O ffice of the Director of N ational Intelligence, the National Security Agency, the Department of Defense, and any other element of the intel- ligence community that participated in the President’s Surveil- lance Program, shall complete a comprehensive review of, with respect to the oversight authority and responsibility of each such Inspector General— (A) all of the facts necessary to describe the establish- ment, implementation, product, and use of the product of the Program; (B) access to legal reviews of the Program and access to information about the Program; (C) communications with, and participation of, individ- uals and entities in the private sector related to the Pro- gram; (D) interaction with the Foreign Intelligence Surveil- lance Court and transition to court orders related to the Program; and