Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2988

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12 2 STA T . 2 965PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 29 3—J UL Y 30 , 200 8‘ ‘ (E)2healt h c a r ere s earchers wi the xp ertise relati ng t o glo b al HIV/A I DS acti v ities

an d ‘‘( F ) representatives f ro m among patient advocate gro u ps , health care professionals, persons living with HIV/ AIDS, and non - governmental organi z ations with expertise relating to the prevention of mother-to-child transmission activities, giving priorit y to individuals in foreign countries in which programs under this Act are administered . ‘‘( 3 )D UTIESOFPAN E L . —T he P anel shall— ‘‘(A) assess the effectiveness of current activities in reaching the target described in subsection (b)( 1 ); ‘‘( B ) review scientific evidence related to the provision of mother-to-child transmission prevention services, including programmatic data and data from clinical trials; ‘‘( C ) review and assess ways in which the O ffice of the U nited States G lobal AIDS Coordinator collaborates with international and multilateral entities on efforts to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV in affected countries; ‘‘(D) identify barriers and challenges to increasing access to mother-to-child transmission prevention services and evaluate potential mechanisms to alleviate those bar- riers and challenges; ‘‘(E) identify the extent to which stigma has hindered pregnant women from obtaining HIV counseling and testing or returning for results, and provide recommendations to address such stigma and its effects; ‘‘(F) identify opportunities to improve lin k ages between mother-to-child transmission prevention services and care and treatment programs; and ‘‘(G) recommend specific activities to facilitate reaching the target described in subsection (b)(1). ‘‘( 4 ) R EPO R T.— ‘‘(A) IN G ENERAL.— N ot later than 1 year after the date on which the Panel is first convened, the Panel shall submit a report containing a detailed statement of the recommendations, findings, and conclusions of the Panel to the appropriate congressional committees. ‘‘(B) A V AILA B ILIT Y .—The report submitted under subparagraph (A) shall be made available to the public. ‘‘(C) CONSI D ERATION BY C OORDINATOR.—The Coordi- nator shall— ‘‘(i) consider any recommendations contained in the report submitted under subparagraph (A); and ‘‘(ii) include in the annual report re q uired under section 1 0 4A(f) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1 96 1 a description of the activities conducted in response to the recommendations made by the Panel and an explanation of any recommendations not implemented at the time of the report. ‘‘( 5 ) AUT H ORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There are authorized to be appropriated to the Panel such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2009 through 2011 to carry out this section. ‘‘(6) TER M INATION.—The Panel shall terminate on the date that is 60 days after the date on which the Panel submits Public i nformat ion .