Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3070

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12 2 STA T .3047PUBLIC LA W 110 – 314 — AU G .14 , 200 8‘ ‘ (A)prog r es s repor t s andi n c ident u pdates w it h respect to action p l ans i m plemented under section 15 (d)

‘‘( B ) statistics with respect to in j uries and deaths asso - ciated with products that the C ommission determines present a su b stantial product ha z ard under section 15(c); and ‘‘(C) the number and t y peo f communication from con- sumers to the Commission with respect to each product with respect to which the Commission ta k es action under section 15(d); ’ ’ . (b) EF F ECTIV E DA TE. —T he amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to reports submitted for fiscal year 20 0 9 and thereafter. Subti t leB—Enha n c e d En for ce m ent A uthorit ySEC.21 1. PUBLI C D ISCL O SU R EO F I N FOR MAT ION. S ection 6 (15 U .S.C. 2055) is amended— (1) by inserting ‘‘A manufacturer or pri v ate labeler shall submit any such mark within 15 calendar days after the date on which it receives the Commission’s offer.’’ after ‘‘paragraph (2).’’ in subsection (a)( 3 ); (2) by striking ‘‘30 days’’ in subsection (b)(1) and inserting ‘‘15 days’’; (3) by striking ‘‘finds that the public’’ in subsection (b)(1) and inserting ‘‘publishes a finding that the public’’; ( 4 ) by striking ‘‘notice and publishes such a finding in the F ederal R egister) , ’’ in subsection (b)(1) and inserting ‘‘notice),’’; (5) by striking ‘‘10 days’’ in subsection (b)(2) and inserting ‘‘5 days’’; (6) by striking ‘‘finds that the public’’ in subsection (b)(2) and inserting ‘‘publishes a finding that the public’’; ( 7 ) by striking ‘‘notice and publishes such finding in the Federal Register.’’ in subsection (b)(2) and inserting ‘‘notice.’’; ( 8 ) in subsection (b)— (A) by striking ‘‘(3)’’ and inserting ‘‘(3)(A)’’; and (B) by adding at the end thereof the following

‘‘(B) I f the Commission determines that the public health and safety re q uires e x pedited consideration of an action brought under subparagraph (A), the Commission may file a request with the District Court for such expe- dited consideration. If the Commission files such a request, the District Court shall— ‘‘(i) assign the matter for hearing at the earliest possible date; ‘‘(ii) give precedence to the matter, to the greatest extent practicable, over all other matters pending on the docket of the court at the time; ‘‘(iii) expedite consideration of the matter to the greatest extent practicable; and ‘‘(iv) grant or deny the requested injunction within 30 days after the date on which the Commission’s request was filed with the court.’’; Deadlin e . Deadline. 15USC2076 n ot e.