Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3072

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12 2 STA T .3049PUBLIC LA W 110 – 314 — AU G .14 , 200 8‘ ‘ (A)Reports o fha r m re l at ing to the u se of c onsumer pro d ucts , and other products or su b stances regulated b y the C ommission, that are recei v ed by the Commission from — ‘‘(i) consumers

‘‘(ii) local, S tate, or F ederal government agencies; ‘‘(iii) health care professionals; ‘‘(iv) child service providers; and ‘‘(v) public safety entities . ‘‘( B ) I nformation derived by the Commission from notice under section 15 (c) or any notice to the public relating to a voluntary corrective action ta k enbyamanu - facturer, in consultation w ith the Commission, of which action the Commission has notified the public. ‘‘(C) T he comments received by the Commission under subsection (c)( 2 )(A) to the e x tent re q uested under sub- section (c)(2)(B). ‘‘(2) S UBMIS SI ON O F INFO R M AT ION.—In implementing the database, the Commission shall establish the following

‘‘(A) E lectronic, telephonic, and paper-based means of submitting, for inclusion in the database, reports described in paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection. ‘‘(B) A requirement that any report described in para- graph (1)(A) submitted for inclusion in such database include, at a minimum— ‘‘(i) a description of the consumer product (or other product or substance regulated by the Commission) concerned; ‘‘(ii) identification of the manufacturer or private labeler of the consumer product (or other product or substance regulated by the Commission); ‘‘(iii) a description of the harm relating to the use of the consumer product (or other product or sub- stance regulated by the Commission); ‘‘(iv) contact information for the person submitting the report; and ‘‘(v) a verification by the person submitting the information that the information submitted is true and accurate to the best of the person ’ s knowledge and that the person consents that such information be included in the database. ‘‘( 3 )A D DITIONA L INFORMATION.—In addition to the reports received under paragraph (1), the Commission shall include in the database, consistent with the requirements of section 6 (a) and (b), any additional information it determines to be in the public interest. ‘‘( 4 ) O R G ANI Z ATION OF DATABAS E .—The Commission shall categori z e the information available on the database in a manner consistent with the public interest and in such manner as it determines to facilitate easy use by consumers and shall ensure, to the extent practicable, that the database is sortable and accessible by— ‘‘(A) the date on which information is submitted for inclusion in the database; ‘‘(B) the name of the consumer product (or other product or substance regulated by the Commission); ‘‘(C) the model name;