Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/319

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12 2 STA T . 2 96PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 (2)CLERICA LA M E ND MEN T.—Thetabl e ofs e c t i o n satthe be g inning of s u ch cha p te r isa m en d edb y adding at the end the follo w ing new item

‘ 21 1 7.Scho o l o fNursing . ’ ’. SEC.956 . IN C LU SI O NO F CO M M A N D E R SOF W ES T ERN H EMIS P HERE COM B ATANT COMMANDS IN BOARD OF V ISITORS OF WESTERN HEMISPHERE INSTITUTE FOR SECURIT Y COOPERATION. S ubparagraph ( F ) of section 2 16 6(e)(1) of title 1 0,U nited States Code, is amended to read as follows: ‘ ‘(F) The commanders of the combatant commands ha v ing geographic responsibility for the W estern H emisphere, or the designees of those officers. ’ ’. SEC. 95 7 . COMPTROLLER G ENERAL ASSESSMENT OF REORGANI Z ATION OF THE OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY. (a) AS SESSMENT R E QU IRED.— N ot later than J une 1, 200 8 , the Comptroller G eneral of the United States shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report containing an assessment of the most recent reorgani z ation of the office of the Under Secretary of D efense for P olicy, including an assessment with respect to the matters set forth in subsection (b). (b) M ATTERS T OB E ASSESSED.—The matters to be included in the assessment re q uired by subsection (a) are as follows: (1) The manner in which the reorganization of the office furthers, or will further, its stated purposes in the short - term and long-term, including the manner in which the reorganiza- tion enhances, or will enhance, the ability of the Department of Defense— (A) to address current security priorities, including on-going military operations in I raq, Afghanistan, and else- where

(B) to manage geopolitical defense relationships; and (C) to anticipate future strategic shifts in those rela- tionships. (2) The manner in which and the e x tent to which the reorganization adheres to generally accepted principles of effec- tive organization, such as establishing clear goals, identifying clear lines of authority and accountability, and developing an effective human capital strategy. ( 3 ) The extent to which the Department has developed detailed implementation plans for the reorganization, and the current status of the implementation of all aspects of the reorga- nization. ( 4 ) The extent to which the Department has wor k ed to mitigate congressional concerns and address other challenges that have arisen since the reorganization was announced. ( 5 ) The manner in which the Department plans to evaluate progress in achieving the stated goals of the reorganization and what measurements, if any, the Department has estab- lished to assess the results of the reorganization. (6) The impact of the large increase in responsibilities for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special O perations and L ow Intensity Conflict and Interdependent Capabilities Deadlin e .R e ports .