Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3243

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12 2 STA T .3 22 0PUBLIC LA W 110 – 31 5— AU G .1 4, 200 8underthis se c ti o nsh al l p ro v ide f unds for g rants for access and persistence for participating students , or provide funds or support for earl y infor m ation and intervention, men - toring, or outreach programs .‘ ‘ ( d )AUTHORIZED A C TI V ITIE S . — ‘‘( 1 ) ING ENER AL .— ‘‘(A) E STA B LISH M ENT O FP ARTNERSHIP.—Each S tate receiving an allotment under this section shall use the funds to esta b lish a partnership to a w ard grants for access and persistence to eligible low-income students in order to increase the amount of financial assistance such students receive under this subpart for undergraduate education e x penses. ‘‘( B ) AMOUNT OF GRANTS.— T he amount of a grant for access and persistence awarded by a State to a student under this section shall be not less than— ‘‘(i) the average undergraduate tuition and manda- tory fees at the public institutions of higher education in the State where the student resides that are of the same type of institution as the institution of higher education the student attends

minus ‘‘(ii) other F ederal and State aid the student receives. ‘‘( C ) SPECIAL RULES.— ‘‘(i) P ARTNERSHIP INSTITUTIONS.—A State receiving an allotment under this section may restrict the use of grants for access and persistence under this section by awarding the grants only to students attending institutions of higher education that are participating in the partnership. ‘‘(ii) O UT-OF-STATE INSTITUTIONS.—If a State pro- vides grants through another program under this sub- part to students attending institutions of higher edu- cation located in another State, grants awarded under this section may be used at institutions of higher edu- cation located in another State. ‘‘( 2 ) EARL Y NOTIFICATION.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Each State receiving an allotment under this section shall annually notify low-income stu- dents in grades seven through 12 in the State, and their families, of their potential eligibility for student financial assistance, including an access and persistence grant, to attend an institution of higher education. ‘‘(B) CONTENT OF NOTICE.—The notice under subpara- graph (A)— ‘‘(i) shall include— ‘‘(I) information about early information and intervention, mentoring, or outreach programs available to the student; ‘‘(II) information that a student ’ s eligibility for a grant for access and persistence is enhanced through participation in an early information and intervention, mentoring, or outreach program; ‘‘(III) an explanation that student and family eligibility for, and participation in, other Federal means-tested programs may indicate eligibility for Deadlin e .