Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3317

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12 2 STA T .3 2 94PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8‘ ‘ (Q)studen t bo d y d iv e r sity a tt h e institution , in cl udin g in f or m ation on the p ercentage of enrolled, full - time stu- dents w ho — ‘‘(i) are male

‘‘(ii) are female; ‘‘(iii) receive a F ederal P ell G rant; and ‘‘(iv) are a self-identified member of a ma j or racial or ethnic group; ‘‘( R ) the placement in employment of, and types of employment obtained by, graduates of the institution ’ s degree or certificate programs, gathered from such sources as alumni surveys, student satisfaction surveys, the N ational S urvey of Student E ngagement, the C ommunity College Survey of Student Engagement, State data systems, or other relevant sources; ‘‘(S) the types of graduate and professional education in which graduates of the institution’s four-year degree programs enrolled, gathered from such sources as alumni surveys, student satisfaction surveys, the National Survey of Student Engagement, State data systems, or other rel- evant sources; ‘‘( T ) the fire safety report prepared by the institution pursuant to subsection (i); ‘‘( U ) the retention rate of certificate- or degree-see k ing, first-time, full-time, undergraduate students entering such institution; and ‘‘( V ) institutional policies regarding vaccinations . ’’; and ( 2 ) by striking paragraph ( 4 ) and inserting the following

‘‘(4) For purposes of this section, institutions may— ‘‘( A )e x clude from the information disclosed in accord- ance with subparagraph ( L ) of paragraph ( 1 ) the completion or graduation rates of students who leave school to serve in the Armed Forces, on official church missions, or with a recogni z ed foreign aid service of the Federal Government; or ‘‘( B ) in cases where the students described in subpara- graph (A) represent 2 0 percent or more of the certificate- or degree-seeking, full-time, undergraduate students at the institution, recalculate the completion or graduation rates of such students by excluding from the calculation described in paragraph ( 3 ) the time period such students were not enrolled due to their service in the Armed Forces, on official church missions, or with a recognized foreign aid service of the Federal Government.’’; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘( 7 )(A)(i) Subject to clause (ii), the information dissemi- nated under paragraph (1)(L), or reported under subsection (e), shall be disaggregated by gender, by each major racial and ethnic subgroup, by recipients of a Federal Pell Grant, by recipients of a loan made under part B or D (other than a loan made under section 42 8H or a Federal Direct Unsub- sidized Stafford Loan) who did not receive a Federal Pell Grant, and by recipients of neither a Federal Pell Grant nor a loan made under part B or D (other than a loan made under section 428H or a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan), if the number of students in such subgroup or with such status is sufficient to yield statistically reliable information and