Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3414

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12 2 STA T .3 3 9 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .1 4, 200 8‘ ‘ (C)Placingsu c hte ache r sinsch o ols an dp ositions designated by high - need local educational agencies as high- need place m ents ser v ing underserved students . ‘‘( D ) Providing ongoing pro f essional development activi- ties for such teachers ’ first t w o years in the classroom , including regular classroom observations and feedbac k , and ongoing training and support. ‘‘( 2 ) LIM I TA TI ON . —T he grantee shall use all grant funds received under this section to support activities related directly to the recruitment, selection, training, and support of teachers as described in subsection (b), e x cept that funds may be used for non-programmatic costs in accordance with subsection (f)(2). ‘‘(e) REP O R T S AN DEV A LU ATIONS.— ‘‘( 1 ) A NNUAL REPORT.—The grantee shall provide to the S ecretary an annual report that includes— ‘‘(A) data on the number and q uality of the teachers provided to local educational agencies through a grant under this section

‘‘( B ) an externally conducted analysis of the satisfaction of local educational agencies and principals with the teachers so provided; and ‘‘(C) comprehensive data on the background of the teachers chosen, the training such teachers received, the placement sites of such teachers, the professional develop- ment of such teachers, and the retention of such teachers. ‘‘(2) STUD Y .— ‘‘(A) I N G ENERAL.— F rom funds appropriated under sub- section (f), the Secretary shall provide for a study that examines the achievement levels of the students taught by the teachers assisted under this section. ‘‘(B) STUDENT A CH IEVEMENT GAINS COMPARED.—The study shall compare, within the same schools, the achieve- ment gains made by students taught by teachers who are assisted under this section with the achievement gains made by students taught by teachers who are not assisted under this section. ‘‘(C) RE Q UIREMENTS.—The Secretary shall provide for such a study not less than once every three years, and each such study shall include multiple placement sites and multiple schools within placement sites. ‘‘(D) PEER REVIE W STANDARDS.—Each such study shall meet the peer review standards of the education research community. Further, the peer review standards shall ensure that reviewers are practicing researchers and have expertise in assessment systems, accountability, psycho- metric measurement and statistics, and instruction. ‘‘( 3 ) ACCOUNTING, F INANCIAL REPORTING, AND INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The grantee shall contract with an independent auditor to conduct a comprehensive review of the grantee’s accounting, financial reporting, and internal control systems. Such review shall assess whether that grantee’s accounting, financial reporting, and internal control systems are designed to— ‘‘(i) provide information that is complete, accurate, and reliable; Contrac t s.