Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3416

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12 2 STA T .3 3 9 3 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .1 4, 200 8‘ ‘ (A)INGE NE RAL.—Fromthea mo un t s a p propr i ate d under su b se c tion ( f ) , the S ecretar y sha l la w ard g rants to eligible institutions to enable such institutions to ma k e fellowship awards to indi v iduals in accordance with the provisions of this section. ‘‘( B ) P R IO RI TYC ON S I D ERATION.—In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall consider the eligible institution ’ s prior e x perience in producing doctoral degree, or highest possible degree available, holders who are minorities and women, and shall give priority consideration in making grants under this section to those eligible institu - tions with a demonstrated record of producing minorities and women who have earned such degrees. ‘‘( 2 )A P PLICATIONS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—An eligible institution that desires a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and con- taining such information as the Secretary may re q uire. ‘‘(B) APPLICATIONS M ADE ON B E H AL F .— T he following entities may submit an application on behalf of an eligible institution

‘‘(i) A graduate school or department of such institution. ‘‘(ii) A graduate school or department of such institution in collaboration with an undergraduate col- lege or school of such institution. ‘‘(iii) An organi z ational unit within such institution that offers a program of postbaccalaureate study leading to a graduate degree, including an interdiscipli- nary or an interdepartmental program. ‘‘( C ) PARTNERSHIP.—In developing a grant application and carrying out the grant activities authorized under this section, an eligible institution may partner with a nonprofit organization with a demonstrated record of helping minori- ties and women earn postbaccalaureate degrees. ‘‘( 3 ) SELECTION OF APPLICATIONS.—In awarding grants under paragraph ( 1 ), the Secretary shall— ‘‘(A) take into account— ‘‘(i) the number and distribution of minority and female faculty nationally

‘‘(ii) the current and pro j ected need for highly trained individuals in all areas of the higher education professoriate; and ‘‘(iii) the present and projected need for highly trained individuals in academic career fields in which minorities and women are underrepresented in the higher education professoriate; and ‘‘(B) consider the need to prepare a large number of minorities and women generally in academic career fields of high national priority, especially in areas in which such individuals are traditionally underrepresented in college and university faculty. ‘‘( 4 ) D ISTRIB U TION AND AMOUNTS OF GRANTS.— ‘‘(A) EQ UITABLE DISTRIBUTION.—In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall, to the maximum extent feasible, ensure an equitable geographic distribution of awards and an equitable distribution among public and