Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3438

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12 2 STA T .34 1 5PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 315 — AU G .14 , 200 8‘ ‘ PARTN—CO OP E RAT IV EE DU CATION ‘ ‘ SEC.831 .S TA TE M E N T OFPUR POSE


EF I NITION. ‘ ‘ (a)PURPOSE.—Itis t hepur p o seo f this part to a w ar dg ra n ts to institutions of higher edu c ation or consortia of such institutions to encourage such institutions to de v e l op and m a k e availa b le to their students work e x perience that will aid such students in future careers and will enable such students to support themselves finan - ciall y while in school. ‘‘(b) D E FIN I T ION.—In this part the term ‘cooperative education ’ means the provision of alternating or parallel periods of academic study and public or private employment to give students work experiences related to their academic or occupational ob j ectives and an opportunity to earn the funds necessary for continuing and completing their education. ‘‘SEC. 83 2 . RESER V ATIONS. ‘‘(a) R ESER VA TIONS.— O f the amount appropriated to carry out this part in each fiscal year— ‘‘( 1 ) not less than 50 percent shall be available for awarding grants to institutions of higher education and consortia of such institutions described in section 83 3(a)(1)( A ) for cooperative education under section 833

‘‘( 2 ) not less than 25 percent shall be available for awarding grants to institutions of higher education described in section 833(a)(1)( B ) for cooperative education under section 833; ‘‘(3) not to exceed 11 percent shall be available for dem- onstration projects under paragraph (1) of section 83 4 (a); ‘‘(4) not to exceed 11 percent shall be available for training and resource centers under paragraph (2) of section 834(a); and ‘‘(5) not to exceed 3 percent shall be available for research under paragraph (3) of section 834(a). ‘‘(b) AVAI L A B ILIT Y OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Amounts appropriated under this part shall not be used for the payment of compensation of students for employment by employers participating in a program under this part. ‘‘SEC. 833. G RANTS FOR COOPERATIVE EDUCATION. ‘‘(a) G RANTS AUT H ORI Z E D .— ‘‘(1) IN G ENERAL.— T he S ecretary is authori z ed , from the amount available to carry out this section under section 835 in each fiscal year and in accordance with the provisions of this part— ‘‘(A) to award grants to institutions of higher education or consortia of such institutions that have not received a grant under this paragraph in the ten-year period pre- ceding the date for which a grant under this section is re q uested to pay the F ederal share of the cost of planning, establishing, expanding, or carrying out programs of cooperative education by such institutions or consortia of institutions; and ‘‘(B) to award grants to institutions of higher education that are operating an existing cooperative education pro- gram as determined by the Secretary to pay the Federal share of the cost of planning, establishing, expanding, or 20USC1 1 6 1 n– 2 . 20 USC 1161n–1. 20 USC 1161n.