Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3449

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12 2 STA T .34 2 6PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8‘ ‘ PARTS— TRA IN IN GFO RR E A L TI M E W RITERS ‘ ‘ SEC.872 . PROG R AMT O PROMOTE TRA IN ING AN DJ O B P L ACEMENT O F REALTIME W RITERS. ‘ ‘ (a)AUTHORIZA TIO N O FG RANT P RO G RA M.— ‘‘( 1 ) I NG E NERA L .— Fromthe amo un t s a p propr i ate d to c arr y out this section , the S ecretary sha l la w ard g rants, on a competi - ti v e b asis, to eligible entities under paragraph ( 2 ) to promote training and placement o f individuals, including individuals who have completed a court reporting training program, as realtime writers in order to meet the re q uirements for closed captioning of video programming set forth in section 7 1 3 of the C ommunications Act of 1 9 3 4 (47 U .S.C. 6 13) and the rules prescribed thereunder. ‘‘(2) E LIGI B LE ENTITIE S .—For purposes of this section, an eligible entity is a court reporting program that— ‘‘(A) has a curriculum capable of training realtime writers qualified to provide captioning services

‘‘( B ) is accredited by an accrediting agency or associa- tion recogni z ed by the Secretary; and ‘‘(C) is participating in student aid programs under title I V . ‘‘(3) PRIORIT Y IN GRANTS.—In determining whether to ma k e grants under this section, the Secretary shall give a priority to eligible entities that, as determined by the Secretary— ‘‘(A) possess the most substantial capability to increase their capacity to train realtime writers; ‘‘(B) demonstrate the most promising collaboration with educational institutions, businesses, labor organizations, or other community groups having the potential to train or provide j ob placement assistance to realtime writers; or ‘‘(C) propose the most promising and innovative approaches for initiating or e x panding training or job place- ment assistance efforts with respect to realtime writers. ‘‘(4) D URATION OF GRANT.—A grant under this section shall be for a period of up to five years. ‘‘( 5 ) M A X IMUM AMOUNT OF GRANT.— T he amount of a grant provided under this subsection to an eligible entity may not exceed $ 1,5 0 0,000 for the period of the grant. ‘‘(b) A P PLI C ATION.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—To receive a grant under subsection (a), an eligible entity shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may require. The application shall contain the information set forth under paragraph (2). ‘‘(2) INFORMATION.—Information in the application of an eligible entity for a grant under subsection (a) shall include the following

‘‘(A) A description of the training and assistance to be funded using the grant amount, including how such training and assistance will increase the number of realtime writers. ‘‘(B) A description of performance measures to be uti- lized to evaluate the progress of individuals receiving such training and assistance in matters relating to enrollment, completion of training, and job placement and retention. Grants.20USC1 1 6 1s.