Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3455

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12 2 STA T .34 32 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8‘ ‘ (B)Toc o mpile, e va l u a t e,a nd di s seminate b est p r ac - tices, case studies, g uidelines and standards regarding sustainabilit y. ‘‘( C ) To conduct e f forts to engage e x ternal sta k e h olders such as business, alumni, and accrediting agencies in the process of building support for research, education, and technology development for sustainability. ‘‘( D ) To conduct professional development programs for faculty in all disciplines to enable faculty to incorporate sustainability content in their courses. ‘‘( E ) To create the analytical tools necessary for institu- tions of higher education to assess and measure their indi- vidual progress to w ard fully sustainable campus operations and fully integrating sustainability into the curriculum. ‘‘( F ) To develop educational benchmarks for institutions of higher education to determine the necessary rigor and effectiveness of academic sustainability programs. ‘‘(d) REPORTS . —A n eligible entity that receives a grant under subsection (a) shall submit to the S ecretary, for each fiscal year in which the entity receives amounts from such grant, a report that describes the work conducted pursuant to subsection (c), research findings and publications, administrative savings experi- enced, and an evaluation of the program. ‘‘(e) A L LO CA T I O N RE QU IRE M ENT.—The Secretary may not make grants under subsection (a) to any eligible entity in a total amount that is less than $250 ,000 or more than $2,000,000. ‘‘(f) AUT H ORI Z ATION O F APPROPRIATIONS.—There are authori z ed to be appropriated to carry out this section such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 200 9 and each of the five succeeding fiscal years. ‘ ‘ PARTV—MODELING AND S IM U LATION PROGRAMS ‘ ‘ SEC.891 . MOD E LINGA ND SIM U LA T ION. ‘‘(a) P URPOSE

DEFINITION.— ‘‘( 1 ) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section is to promote the study of modeling and simulation at institutions of higher education, through the collaboration with new and existing programs, and specifically to promote the use of technology in such study through the creation of accurate models that can simulate processes or recreate real life, by— ‘‘(A) establishing a task force at the Department of Education to raise awareness of and define the study of modeling and simulation; ‘‘(B) providing grants to institutions of higher education to develop new modeling and simulation degree programs; and ‘‘(C) providing grants for institutions of higher edu- cation to enhance existing modeling and simulation degree programs. ‘‘(2) DEFINITION.— I n this section, the term ‘modeling and simulation ’ means a field of study related to the application of computer science and mathematics to develop a level of understanding of the interaction of the parts of a system and of a system as a whole. ‘‘(b) ESTA B LISHMENT OF TAS K FORCE.— 20USC1 1 6 1 v.