Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3460

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12 2 STA T .34 3 7PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8‘ ‘ (B)adet a il ed de scr i p ti on o f t h e pro g ra m and acti v ities the comm u nit y college w ill carry out with such grant

and ‘‘( C ) a proposed b udget describing how the community college will use the funds made available by such grant . ‘‘( 4 ) PRIO RI TY . —I n awarding grants under this part , the S ecretary shall give priority to community colleges that propose to serve the highest number of priority individuals, and, among such community colleges, shall give priority to community col - leges that the Secretary determines will best carry out the purposes of this part, based on the applications submitted in accordance with paragraph ( 3 ). ‘‘(c) AL LO WAB L EUS ESO FFUND S.—A community college awarded a grant under this part may use such grant to— ‘‘( 1 ) pay for tuition and transportation costs of eligible individuals; ‘‘( 2 ) establish and carry out an education program that includes classes for eligible individuals that— ‘‘(A) provide mar k etable life and social skills to such individuals; ‘‘(B) meet the education program re q uirements under subsection (d), including as appropriate, courses necessary for the completion of a secondary school diploma or the recogni z ed equivalent; ‘‘(C) promote the civic engagement of such individuals; and ‘‘( D ) facilitate a smooth reentry of such individuals into the community; ‘‘(3) create and carry out a mentoring program that is— ‘‘(A) specifically designed to help eligible individuals with the potential challenges of the transitional period from detention to release; ‘‘(B) created in consultation with guidance counselors, academic advisors, law enforcement officials, and other community resources; and ‘‘(C) administered by a program coordinator, selected and employed by the community college, who shall oversee each individual ’ s development and shall serve as the imme- diate supervisor and reporting officer to whom the academic advisors, guidance counselors, and volunteers shall report regarding the progress of each such individual; ‘‘(4) facilitate employment opportunities for eligible individ- uals by entering into partnerships with public and private entities to provide opportunities for internships, apprentice- ships, and permanent employment, as possible, for such individ- uals; and ‘‘( 5 ) provide training for eligible individuals participating in the programs, to allow such individuals to assist community officials and law enforcement agencies with the deterrence and prevention of gang and youth violence by participating in semi- nars and workshop series throughout the community. ‘‘(d) E DU C ATION PRO G RA MR E Q UIREMENTS.—An education pro- gram established and carried out under subsection (c) shall— ‘‘(1) include classes that are required for completion of a certificate, diploma, or degree described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (b)(1), including as appropriate courses necessary for the completion of a secondary school diploma or the recognized equivalent;