Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3516

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12 2 STA T .349 3 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8Integra te dPos tse c ondar yE d u cat i on D ata S yste m( re f erred to int h is section as the ‘ ‘IPEDS ’ ’ ) sur v ey ,w hich sha l l — ( A )re p ort on the time and cost b urden of completing the IPEDS survey for four - year, two-year, and less than two-year institutions of higher education

( B ) present recommendations for reducing such burden; and ( C ) report on the feasibility of collecting additional data from institutions for use in IPEDS, including informa- tion on the percentage of enrolled undergraduate students who graduate within two years (in the case of two-year institutions), and four, five, and si x years (in the case of two- and four-year institutions), disaggregated by race and ethnic bac k ground and by income categories; ( 2 ) not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, submit to the authori z ing committees a preliminary report regarding the findings of the study described in para- graph ( 1 ); and ( 3 ) not later than two years after the date of enactment of this Act, submit to the authorizing committees a final report regarding such findings .SEC.1 1 04 . R E PO R TAND ST U D Y ON ART I CU L ATION A G REE M ENTS. (a) S TUDYREQ U IR ED.— T he Secretary of Education shall conduct a study to review the articulation agreements at State-supported college and university systems, including j unior or community col- leges, as well as those at other institutions of higher education. Such study shall consider— (1) the extent to which States and institutions have devel- oped and implemented articulation agreements; (2) with respect to the articulation agreements developed— (A) the number and types of institutions participating in articulation agreements; (B) the cost-savings to the participating institutions and to the students; (C) what strategies are being employed, including common course numbering, general education core cur- riculum, and management systems; (D) the effective use of technologies to contain costs, maintain q uality of instruction, and inform students; and (E) a description of the students to whom the articula- tion agreements are offered and, to the extent practicable, a description of the students who take advantage of the articulation agreements; (3) best practices and innovative strategies employed to implement effective articulation agreements; and ( 4 ) barriers to the implementation of articulation agree- ments, including technological and informational barriers. (b) RE PO RT.—The Secretary of Education shall submit to the authorizing committees an interim report on the study required by subsection (a) not later than two years after the date of enact- ment of this Act and a final report on such study not later than J anuary 1, 2 0 13. SEC. 110 5 . REPORT ON PROPRIETARY INSTITUTIONS O FH IGHER EDU - CATION. (a) I NG ENER AL .— N ot later than two years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the U nited States Deadlin e . Deadline. Deadline. Deadline.