Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3569

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12 2 STA T .3546PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 323 — S E PT. 22 , 200 8‘ ‘ (A)asum ma ryofe a ch s ign ifican t re p ort ma d e during the reporting period , inc l uding a description of significant pro b- lems, abuses, and deficiencies disclosed by such report

‘‘( B ) a description of the recommendations for correcti v e action made w ith respect to significant problems, abuses, or deficiencies described pursuant to subparagraph (A); ‘‘( C ) a summary of the progress made in implementing such corrective action described pursuant to subparagraph (B); and ‘‘( D ) information concerning any disagreement the Comp- troller G eneral has with a recommendation of the I nspector General . ‘‘( 2 ) T he Comptroller General shall transmit the semiannual reports of the Inspector General, together with any comments the Comptroller General considers appropriate, to Congress within 30 days after receipt of such reports. ‘‘(f) I NDEP ENDEN C E I NC AR R Y IN GOUT DUTIE S AND R ESP O NSI B I L - ITIES. — The Comptroller General may not prevent or prohibit the Inspector General from carrying out any of the duties or responsibil- ities of the Inspector General under this section. ‘‘(g) AUT H ORITY F OR S TAFF.— ‘‘( 1 ) IN GENERAL.—The Inspector General shall select, appoint, and employ (including fi x ing and ad j usting the rates of pay of) such personnel as may be necessary to carry out this section consistent with the provisions of this title governing selections, appointments, and employment (including the fixing and adjusting the rates of pay) in the Government Account- ability Office. Such personnel shall be appointed, promoted, and assigned only on the basis of merit and fitness, but without regard to those provisions of title 5 governing appointments and other personnel actions in the competitive service, except that no personnel of the Office may be paid at an annual rate greater than $ 1,000 less than the annual rate of pay of the Inspector General. ‘‘(2) EX PERTS AND CONSULTANTS.—The Inspector General may procure temporary and intermittent services under section 310 9 of title 5 at rates not to exceed the daily e q uivalent of the annual rate of basic pay for level I V of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of such title. ‘‘(3) INDEPENDENCE IN APPOINTING STAFF.— N o individual may carry out any of the duties or responsibilities of the Office of the Inspector General unless the individual is appointed by the Inspector General, or provides services obtained by the Inspector General, pursuant to this paragraph. ‘‘( 4 ) L I M ITATION ON PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Inspector General and any individual carrying out any of the duties or responsibilities of the Office of the Inspector General are prohibited from performing any program responsibilities. ‘‘(h) OFFICE SPACE.—The Comptroller General shall provide the Office of the Inspector General— ‘‘(1) appropriate and adequate office space; ‘‘(2) such equipment, office supplies, and communications facilities and services as may be necessary for the operation of the Office of the Inspector General; ‘‘(3) necessary maintenance services for such office space, equipment, office supplies, and communications facilities; and ‘‘(4) equipment and facilities located in such office space.