Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3664

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12 2 STA T .364 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 32 9— S E PT. 30 , 200 8Cindep enden tof t h e br o a der F C S de v e l op m ent timeline to a c hieve fieldin g b y fi s cal year 201 0 .I n addition , the A rmy w ill deliver five pre - prod u ction NLO S – C systems by the end of calendar year 200 8 and three pre-production NLOS–C systems by the end of calendar year 200 9 . T hese systems shall be in addition to those systems necessary for developmental and operational testing. S EC . 808 6 . The budget of the P resident for fiscal year 2010 submitted to the Congress pursuant to section 110 5 of title 3 1, U nited States Code, shall include separate budget j ustification docu- ments for costs of United States Armed Forces ’ participation in contingency operations for the M ilitary Personnel accounts, the Operation and Maintenance accounts, and the Procurement accounts


d, That these documents shall include a descrip- tion of the funding re q uested for each contingency operation, for each military service, to include all Active and R eserve components, and for each appropriations account: Provided fu r th er, That these documents shall include estimated costs for each element of e x pense or object class, a reconciliation of increases and decreases for each contingency operation, and programmatic data including, but not limited to, troop strength for each Active and Reserve component, and estimates of the major weapons systems deployed in support of each contingency: Provided further, That these documents shall include budget exhibits OP–5 and OP–32 ( as defined in the D epart- ment of Defense Financial Management Regulation ) for all contin- gency operations for the budget year and the two preceding fiscal years. SEC. 808 7 . None of the funds in this Act may be used for research, development, test, evaluation, procurement or deployment of nuclear armed interceptors of a missile defense system. SEC. 8088. Up to $ 2,500,000 of the funds appropriated under the heading ‘ ‘Operation and Maintenance, Navy’’ in this Act for the Pacific Missile Range Facility may be made available to contract for the repair, maintenance, and operation of adjacent off-base water, drainage, and flood control systems, electrical upgrade to support additional missions critical to base operations, and support for a range footprint expansion to further guard against encroach- ment. SEC. 8089. None of the funds appropriated or made available in this Act shall be used to reduce or disestablish the operation of the 53rd W eather Reconnaissance Squadron of the Air Force Reserve, if such action would reduce the WC–130 Weather Recon- naissance mission below the levels funded in this Act: Provided, That the Air Force shall allow the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron to perform other missions in support of national defense requirements during the non-hurricane season. SEC. 8090. None of the funds provided in this Act shall be available for integration of foreign intelligence information unless the information has been lawfully collected and processed during the conduct of authori z ed foreign intelligence activities: Provided, That information pertaining to United States persons shall only be handled in accordance with protections provided in the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution as implemented through E xecutive Order No. 12333. SEC. 8091. (a) At the time members of reserve components of the Armed Forces are called or ordered to active duty under section 12302(a) of title 10, United States Code, each member Notif i ca tio n.Depl o ym ent. F e d e r al bu d g et. 10USC2 21 note.