Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/409

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12 2 STA T .386PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 181 —J A N .28 , 2008 reconst r u ct i on a n d de v e l o pm ent activities in Afgh ani - stan .( ii )R emove national caveats on the use of forces deplo y ed as part of the N A TOIS A F . (iii) Reduce the num b er of civilian casualties resulting from military operations of NATO ISAF coun- tries and mitigate the impact of such casualties on the Afghan people. ( 2 )A FGHANIST AN NATI O NA L S ECUR IT Y FORCES. — A descrip- tion of the follo w ing

(A) A comprehensive and effective long-term strategy and budget , with defined ob j ectives, for activities relating to strengthening the resources, capabilities, and effective- ness of the Afghanistan National Army (ANA) and the Afghanistan National P olice (ANP) of the ANSF, with the goal of ensuring that a strong and fully-capable ANSF is able to independently and effectively conduct operations and maintain security and stability in Afghanistan. ( B ) Any actions by the U nited States to achieve the following goals relating to building the capacity of the ANSF, and the results of such actions: (i) Improve coordination with all relevant depart- ments and agencies of the G overnment of the United States, as well as NATO ISAF countries and other international partners. (ii) Improve ANSF recruitment and retention, including through improved vetting and salaries for the ANSF. (iii) Increase and improve ANSF training and men- toring. (iv) Strengthen the partnership between the Government of the United States and the Government of Afghanistan. ( 3 ) PRO V INCIAL RECONSTRUCTION TEA M SAN D OTHER RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELO P MENT ACTIVITIES.—A description of the following: (A) A comprehensive and effective long-term strategy and budget, with defined objectives, for reconstruction and development in Afghanistan, including a long-term strategy with a mission and objectives for each United States-led Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Afghanistan. (B) Any actions by the United States to achieve the following goals with respect to reconstruction and develop- ment in Afghanistan, and the results of such actions: (i) Improve coordination with all relevant depart- ments and agencies of the Government of the United States, as well as NATO ISAF countries and other international partners. (ii) C larify the chain of command, and operations plans for United States-led PRTs that are appropriate to meet the needs of the relevant local communities. (iii) Promote coordination among PRTs. (iv) E nsure that each PRT is ade q uately staffed, particularly with civilian specialists, and that such staff receive appropriate training.