Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4326

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12 2 STA T .430 3 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 40 9—O CT. 14 , 200 8‘ ‘ (e)Th e an n u a lr a t e ofb a sicp a y for an I nspector G eneral (as d efined under section 12 ( 3 )) shall be the rate payable for le v el III of the Ex ecutive S chedule under section 5 31 4 of title 5 ,U nited States C ode, plus 3 percent .’ ’. (2) T ECHNI C AL AN D C O N F O RM IN G AMENDMEN TS . — Section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, is a m ended by stri k in g the item relating to each of the follo w ing positions

( A ) Inspector General, D epartment of Education. ( B ) Inspector General, Department of Energy. (C) Inspector General, Department of H ealth and Human Services. (D) Inspector General, Department of Agriculture. (E) Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban Development. ( F ) Inspector General, Department of L abor. (G) Inspector General, Department of Transportation. (H) Inspector General, Department of V eterans Affairs. (I) Inspector General, Department of Homeland Secu - rity. ( J ) Inspector General, Department of Defense. ( K ) Inspector General, Department of State. (L) Inspector General, Department of Commerce. ( M ) Inspector General, Department of the Interior. ( N ) Inspector General, Department of Justice. ( O ) Inspector General, Department of the Treasury. ( P ) Inspector General, Agency for International Development. ( Q ) Inspector General, Environmental Protection Agency. ( R ) Inspector General, Export-Import Bank. (S) Inspector General, Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency. (T) Inspector General, General Services Administra- tion. (U) Inspector General, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (V) Inspector General, Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion. ( W ) Inspector General, Office of Personnel Manage- ment. ( X ) Inspector General, Railroad Retirement Board. ( Y ) Inspector General, Small Business Administration. ( Z ) Inspector General, Tennessee Valley Authority. (AA) Inspector General, Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration. (BB) Inspector General, Resolution Trust Corporation. (CC) Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency. (DD) Inspector General, Social Security Administra- tion. (EE) Inspector General, United States Postal Service. (3) A P PLICA B ILIT Y TO OTHER INSPECTORS GENERAL.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the annual rate of basic pay of the Inspector General of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Special Inspector General for Ira q Reconstruction, and the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction shall be that of an Inspector General as defined under section 12(3) of 5USCap p .3note .