Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4402

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12 2 STA T .4379PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8Subti t leE—Jo i n t a n dM ulti s e rv i c e Matters SEC.14 1. AN N U A L L O N G-T E RMP LAN F ORT H E PROCUREMENT OF A I R- CRAFT FOR THE NA VY AN D THE AIR FORCE. (a)INGE NE RAL.—Ch a pter9of t i t l e 10,Un ite dS tate s Code, isa m ended by insertin g after se c tion 23 1 the follo w ing new section

‘ §231a.Budgetin g forp ro c ure m ent of aircraft for t h e N a vy and A ir F orce

annua l plan and certification ‘ ‘(a) A NN U ALA I R C RA FTP R O CURE M ENT PLAN AN D CERTIFI - CATION.— T he Secretary of D efense shall incl u de with the defense budget materials for each fiscal year— ‘‘(1) a plan for the procurement of the aircraft specified in subsection (b) for the Department of the N a v y and the Department of the Air F orce developed in accordance with this section

and ‘‘(2) a certification by the Secretary that both the budget for such fiscal year and the future-years defense program sub- mitted to Congress in relation to such budget under section 221 of this title provide for funding of the procurement of aircraft at a level that is sufficient for the procurement of the aircraft provided for in the plan under paragraph (1) on the schedule provided in the plan. ‘‘(b) CO V ERED AIRCRAFT.—The aircraft specified in this sub- section are the aircraft as follows: ‘‘(1) Fighter aircraft. ‘‘(2) Attac k aircraft. ‘‘(3) B omber aircraft. ‘‘( 4 ) Strategic lift aircraft. ‘‘( 5 ) Intratheater lift aircraft. ‘‘( 6 ) Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance aircraft. ‘‘( 7 ) Tanker aircraft. ‘‘( 8 ) Any other ma j or support aircraft designated by the Secretary of Defense for purposes of this section. ‘‘(c) ANNUAL AIRCRAFT PROCUREMENT PLAN.—(1) The annual aircraft procurement plan developed for a fiscal year for purposes of subsection (a)(1) should be designed so that the aviation force provided for under the plan is capable of supporting the national security strategy of the United States as set forth in the most recent national security strategy report of the President under section 108 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 404a), e x cept that, if at the time the plan is submitted with the defense budget materials for that fiscal year, a national security strategy report re q uired under such section 108 has not been submitted to Congress as required by paragraph (2) or paragraph (3), if applicable, of subsection (a) of such section, then the plan should be designed so that the aviation force provided for under the plan is capable of supporting the aviation force structure recommended in the report of the most recent Q uadrennial Defense R eview. ‘‘(2) E ach annual aircraft procurement plan shall include the following: ‘‘(A) A detailed program for the procurement of the aircraft specified in subsection (b) for each of the Department of the Navy and the Department of the Air Force over the next 30 fiscal years.