Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4427

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12 2 STA T .4 4 0 4 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8(2)Thet e rms‘ ‘tr u st ’ ’ and ‘‘trusted’’ re f er ,wi th res p e c t t o e l ectronic and information processin g s y stems, to the a b ility of the D epartment of Defense to ha v e confidence that the sys - tems function as intended and are free of e x ploitable vulnerabilities, either intentionally or unintentionally designed or inserted as part of the system at any time during its life cycle . ( 3 ) The term ‘‘trusted foundry services’’ means the program of the N ational S ecurity A gency and the Department of Defense, or any similar program approved by the Secretary of Defense, for the development and manufacture of integrated circuits for critical defense systems in secure industrial environments. SEC.25 5.C AP A BIL I T IES - BASE D ASSESS M E N TT O O U TLINE A J OINT APP R OAC HF OR FUTURE DE V ELOPMENT OF VERTICAL LIFT AIRCRAFT AND ROTORCRAFT. (a) A S S E SS M E NTR E QUIR E D . — The Secretary of Defense and the C hairman of the J oint Chiefs of Staff shall carry out a capabilities- based assessment that outlines a j oint approach to the future development of vertical lift aircraft and rotorcraft for all of the Armed F orces. The assessment shall— ( 1 ) address critical technologies re q uired for future develop- ment, including a technology roadmap

(2) include the development of a detailed science and tech- nology investment and implementation plan and an identifica- tion of the resources required to implement such plan; and (3) include the development of a strategic plan that— (A) formali z es the strategic vision of the Department of Defense for the next generation of vertical lift aircraft and rotorcraft; ( B ) establishes joint requirements for the next genera- tion of vertical lift aircraft and rotorcraft technology; and (C) emphasizes the development of common service requirements. (b) RE PO RT.—The Secretary and the Chairman shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the assessment under subsection (a). The report shall include— (1) the technology roadmap referred to in subsection (a)(1); (2) the plan and the identification of resources referred to in subsection (a)(2); (3) the strategic plan referred to in subsection (a)(3); and ( 4 ) a detailed plan to establish a Joint V ertical L ift Aircraft / Rotorcraft O ffice based on lessons learned from the Joint Advanced Stri k e Technology Office. SEC. 25 6 . E X ECUTIVE A G ENT FOR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD TECH- NOLOG Y . (a) EX E C UTI V EA G ENT.—Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall des- ignate a senior official of the Department of Defense to act as the executive agent for printed circuit board technology. (b) RO L ES, RESPONSI B ILITIES, A ND AUT H ORITIES.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and in accordance with Directive 5 101.1, the Secretary of Defense shall prescribe the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of the executive agent designated under subsection (a). Deadlin e . Deadline. De s i g na t i o n. 10USC25 01 note.