Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4444

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12 2 STA T .4 421 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8(1)anexpl ana tio no f t h e r ea s ons w h y the re qu ire m ents , or portions of the requirements, ha v e not b een implemente d; and ( 2 ) a revised plan under subse c tion (d) to complete implementation or a rationale re g arding why portions of the requirements cannot or should not be implemented . (g) FUL L YB U RDEN ED COST O F FUEL D EF I NED. —I n this section, the term ‘ ‘fully burdened cost of fuel ’ ’ means the commodity price for fuel plus the total cost of all personnel and assets required to move and, when necessary, protect the fuel from the point at which the fuel is received from the commercial supplier to the point of use. SEC.3 33. S TUDYON SO LAR AND WI ND ENER G Y F ORUSEFORE XP EDI - TIONARY FORCES. (a) S TUDY R E Q UIRED.— T he Secretary of Defense shall conduct a study to examine the feasibility of using solar and wind energy to provide electricity for expeditionary forces. (b) MA TTERS EX A M INED.—In conducting the study required by subsection (a), the Secretary shall examine, at a minimum, each of the following

(1) The potential for solar and wind energy to reduce the fuel supply needed to provide electricity for expeditionary forces and the extent to which such reduction will decrease the ris k of casualties by reducing the number of convoys needed to supply fuel to forward operating locations. (2) The cost of using solar and wind energy to provide electricity. ( 3 ) The potential savings of using solar and wind energy to provide electricity compared to current methods. ( 4 ) The environmental benefits of using solar and wind energy to provide electricity instead of the current methods. ( 5 ) The sustainability and operating requirements of solar and wind energy systems for providing electricity compared to current methods. ( 6 ) P otential opportunities for experimenting with the use of deployable solar and wind energy systems in current training environments, including remote areas of training ranges. (c) RE P ORT.— N ot later than 12 0 days after the date of the enactment of this A ct, the Secretary shall submit to the congres - sional defense committees a report on the results of the study required by subsection (a). SEC. 33 4 . STUDY ON ALTERNATI V E AND SYNT H ETIC FUELS. (a) STUDY REQUIRED.—The Secretary of Defense shall conduct a study on alternatives to reduce the life cycle emissions of alter- native and synthetic fuels (including coal-to-liquid fuels). (b) MATTERS EXAMINED.—The study shall examine, at a min- imum, the following: (1) The potential clean energy alternatives for powering the conversion processes, including nuclear, solar, and wind energies. (2) The alternatives for reducing carbon emissions during the conversion processes. (3) The military utility of domestically-produced alternative and synthetic fuels for military operations and for use by expeditionary forces compared with the military utility and