Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4462

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12 2 STA T .4 4 39PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8Subti t leB—R e s e rv e Comp o n ent Ma na g ement SEC.51 1.E XT E N S IO NTOOT H E R RESER V ECO MP ONENTS O FA RM Y A U THORITY FOR D EFERRA L OF MANDATORY SEPARATION OF MILITARY TECHNICIANS ( DUAL STATUS ) UNTIL A G E 60 . Section102 1 6(f) of tit l e10 ,U nite d St a te sC ode, is a m ended by inse r tin g‘ ‘and t h e Secretary of the A ir F orce ’ ’ after ‘‘Secretary of the Army’’ . SEC. 51 2 . MODIFICATION OF AUTHORI Z ED STRENGTHS FOR CERTAIN ARMY NATIONAL GUARD , MARINE CORPS RESERVE, AND AIR NATIONAL GUARD OFFICERS AND ARMY NATIONAL GUARD ENLISTED PERSONNEL SERVING ON FULL - TIME RESERVE COMPONENT DUTY. (a) A RMYNATION A LGU AR D AND M ARIN E COR PSR ESER V E OF FI -C ERS. —T he table in section 12011(a) of title 10, United States Code, relating to the n u mber of officers of a reser v e com p onent w ho may be serving in the grades of ma j or, lieutenant colonel, or colonel given the total number of members of that reserve compo- nent serving on full-time reserve component duty, is amended by stri k ing the portion of the table relating to the Army National Guard and the Marine Corps Reserve and inserting the following

‘‘Army National Guard: 20,000 .............................. 1, 5 00 8 50 3 25 22,000 .............................. 1,650 9 30 350 2 4 ,000 .............................. 1, 7 90 1,010 378 26,000 .............................. 1,930 1,085 395 28,000 .............................. 2,070 1,168 420 30,000 .............................. 2,200 1,245 445 32,000 .............................. 2,330 1,315 460 34,000 .............................. 2,450 1,385 470 36,000 .............................. 2,570 1,455 480 38,000 .............................. 2,670 1,527 490 40,000 .............................. 2,770 1,590 500 42,000 .............................. 2,837 1,655 505 ‘‘Marine Corps Reserve: 1,000 ................................ 99 63 20 1,200 ................................ 103 67 21 1,300 ................................ 107 70 22 1,400 ................................ 111 73 23 1,500 ................................ 114 76 24 1,600 ................................ 117 79 25 1,700 ................................ 120 82 26 1,800 ................................ 123 85 27 1,900 ................................ 126 88 28