Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/449

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12 2 STA T .4 2 6PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 not ot herwis e p ro v i d ed f or , for D r ugI nterdi c tion a nd C ounter - Drug A ctivities, Defense-wide in the a m ount of $257 , 618 , 0 00 .( c ) D EF E NS E INS P E CTORG ENER AL . —F unds are here by author- i z ed to be appropriated for the Department of Defense for fisca l year 2008 for e x penses, not otherwise provided for, for the O ffice of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense in the amount of $ 4 , 39 4,000 for operation and maintenance. SEC.15 11. IRAQF REE DOM F UN D. (a) IN GENERAL.—Funds are hereby authorized to be appro- priated for fiscal year 2008 for the Ira q Freedom Fund in the amount of $207,500,000. (b) T RANSFER.— (1) TRANSFER A U T H OR IZ E D .— S ub j ect to paragraph (2), amounts authorized to be appropriated by subsection (a) may be transferred from the Iraq Freedom Fund to any accounts as follows

(A) Operation and maintenance accounts of the Armed Forces. ( B ) M ilitary personnel accounts. (C) R esearch, development, test, and evaluation accounts of the Department of Defense. (D) P rocurement accounts of the Department of Defense. ( E ) Accounts providing funding for classified programs. (F) The operating expenses account of the Coast Guard. (2) N OTICE TO CON G RESS.—A transfer may not be made under the authority in paragraph (1) until five days after the date on which the Secretary of Defense notifies the congres- sional defense committees in writing of the transfer. (3) TREAT M ENT OF TRANSFERRED FUNDS.—Amounts trans- ferred to an account under the authority in paragraph (1) shall be merged with amounts in such account and shall be made available for the same purposes, and subject to the same conditions and limitations, as amounts in such account. (4) EFFECT ON AUTHORIZATION AMOUNTS.—A transfer of an amount to an account under the authority in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to increase the amount authorized for such account by an amount equal to the amount transferred. SEC. 151 2 . IRAQ SECURI TY FORCES FUND. (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2008 for the Iraq Security Forces Fund in the amount of $3,000,000,000. (b) U SE OF FUNDS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Funds appropriated pursuant to sub- section (a) shall be available to the Secretary of Defense for the purpose of allowing the Commander, Multi-National Secu- rity Transition Command – Iraq, to provide assistance to the security forces of Iraq. (2) T Y PES OF ASSISTANCE AUTHORIZED.—Assistance provided under this section may include the provision of equipment, supplies, services, training, facility and infrastructure repair, renovation, construction, and funding. (3) SECRETARY OF STATE CONCURRENCE.—Assistance may be provided under this section only with the concurrence of the Secretary of State. Deadlin e .