Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4557

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12 2 STA T .453 4 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8(b)TWO-YEAREXT E NSI ONO FAU T H ORIT Y.—Par a g ra ph ( 4 ) ofsuc hs e c ti o n isa m en d edb y stri k ing ‘ ‘ S eptember 30,2 00 8’ ’ and inserting ‘‘September 30, 20 1 0’’. SEC.825 . C LARIF ICA T I ON OF STAT U SOF G O V ERN M ENT RIG H TS IN THE D ESIGNS OF DE P ARTMENT OF DEFENSE VESSELS ,B OATS, CRAFT, AND COMPONENTS THEREOF. (a) I N G ENERA L .— C hapter 6 33 of tit l e 10, U nited States Code, is amended by adding at the end the follo w ing new section

‘ §731 7 .Sta t usofG o vernm ent r igh ts in the d esigns of vesse l s ,b oats, and c raft, and com p onents thereof ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Go v ernment rights in the design of a vessel, boat, or craft, and its components, including the hull, decks, super- structure, and all shipboard e q uipment and systems, shall be deter- mined solely as follows: ‘‘(1) In the case of a vessel, boat, craft, or component procured through a contract, in accordance with the provisions of section 2320 of this title. ‘‘(2) In the case of a vessel, boat, craft, or component procured through an instrument not governed by section 2320 of this title, by the terms of the instrument (other than a contract) under which the design for such vessel, boat, craft, or component, as applicable, was developed for the Government. ‘‘(b) CONSTRU C TION OF SU P ERSE D IN G AUTHORITIES.—This sec- tion may be modified or superseded by a provision of statute only if such provision e x pressly refers to this section in modifying or superseding this section.’’. (b) CLERICAL A M ENDMENT.—The table of sections at the begin- ning of chapter 633 of such title is amended by adding at the end the following new item: ‘ ‘ 731 7 .Sta t usofG o vernm ent r igh ts in the d esigns of vesse l s ,b oats, and c raft, and com p onents thereof ’ ’. Subti t leD—Prov i s io n s R el a tin g to Acq uisi - tion W or kf orce an dI n h erentl yG overn- m ental F unctions SEC. 8 31 . DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDANCE ON PERSONAL SERVICES CON - TRACTS. (a) GUIDANCE R E Q UIRED.— N ot later than 2 7 0 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of D efense shall develop guidance related to personal services contracts to— (1) require a clear distinction between employees of the Department of Defense and employees of Department of Defense contractors

(2) provide appropriate safeguards with respect to when, where, and to what extent the Secretary may enter into a contract for the procurement of personal services; and (3) assess and take steps to mitigate the risk that, as implemented and administered, non-personal services contracts may become personal services contracts. (b) DEFINITION OF PERSONAL SER V ICES CONTRACT.—In this sec- tion, the term ‘‘personal services contract’’ has the meaning given that term in section 2330a(g)( 5 ) of title 10, United States Code. Deadlin e .