Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4790

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12 2 STA T .476 7 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8ofandresp onse t ose xu a lh arass m ent and sexual vi olen c e involvin g cadets or other A cadem y personnel .(3)E ach report under paragraph ( 1 ) for an Academy pro - gram year that b egins in an odd-numbered calendar year shall include the results of the survey conducted in that program year under subsection (c)( 2 ). ( 4 )(A) T he S uperintendent shall transmit to the Secretary , and to the B oard of V isitors of the Academy, each report received by the Superintendent under this subsection, together w ith the Superintendent ’ s comments on the report. (B) The Secretary shall transmit each such report, together with the Secretary’s comments on the report, to the Senate C ommittee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the H ouse of R epresentatives Committee on Transportation and I nfrastructure. SEC.3508 . A SS I S T A N CE FOR S M A L LS H I PY AR D S AND MARITIME COMM U NITIES. (a) I NGE NE RAL . — Title 4 6 , U nited States Code, is amended by inserting the following new chapter after chapter 5 3 9:‘ ‘ CHAPTER541—MIS CE L LA N E OU S ‘ ‘ Sec ‘‘ 5410 1 .As s i s tan ce for s m a l ls h i py ar d s and maritime comm u nities ‘‘ § 541 0 1 . A s s i s tancefor s m a l ls h i py ar d s and maritime comm u nities ‘ ‘(a) E ST A B L I S HM ENT OFP RO G RAM.—Sub j ect to the availability of appropriations, the Administrator of the M aritime Administration shall execute agreements with shipyards to provide assistance— ‘‘(1) in the form of grants, loans, and loan guarantees to small shipyards for capital improvements

and ‘‘(2) for maritime training programs to foster technical s k ills and operational productivity in communities whose economies are related to or dependent upon the maritime industry. ‘‘(b) A W AR D S.—In providing assistance under the program, the Administrator shall— ‘‘(1) take into account— ‘‘(A) the economic circumstances and conditions of maritime communities; ‘‘(B) projects that would be effective in fostering effi- ciency, competitive operations, and q uality ship construc- tion, repair, and reconfiguration; and ‘‘(C) projects that would be effective in fostering employee skills and enhancing productivity; and ‘‘(2) make grants within 12 0 days after the date of enact- ment of the appropriations Act for the fiscal year concerned. ‘‘(c) USE OF FU NDS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Assistance provided under this section may be used— ‘‘(A) to make capital and related improvements in small shipyards located in or near maritime communities; ‘‘(B) to provide training for workers in communities whose economies are related to the maritime industry; and Grants.De a dli ne. Co ntra c ts.