Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4800

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12 2 STA T .47 77 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 420 —O CT. 1 5, 200 8LEGIS L AT I V E H IST ORY— H . R. 45 44


O N GRESSIONAL RECOR D, V ol . 1 54 (20 0 8)

S ept .2 3 , 25, c o nsid e r ed a nd passed Ho u se. Sept. 30, considered and passed Senate. (2)ELIG I B ILI TYFORAW AR D.— ( A ) IN G E NERAL.—A Native A m e r i c a nsh a l l b e eli g ible t o bea w ar d ed a silver d up licate medal struc k under para - graph ( 1 ) in recognition o f the service of Native American code talkers of the recogni z ed tribe of the Native American , if the Native American served in the Armed F orces as a code talker in an y foreign conflict in which the U nited S tates was involved during the 2 0 th century. ( B ) D EAT H OF C ODE TAL K ER.—In the event of the death of a Native American code talker who had not been awarded a silver duplicate medal under this subsection, the Secretary may award a silver duplicate medal to the ne x t of kin or other personal representative of the Native American code talker. ( C ) DETER M INATION.—Eligibility for an award under this subsection shall be determined by the Secretary in accordance with section 6 . (b) BRON Z ED UP LICATE M EDAL S .— T he Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck pursuant to section 4 under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, at a price sufficient to cover the cost thereof, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold and silver medals. SEC.8 . AUTHORI T Y TO USE F U ND A M OUNTS


ROCEEDS OF SA L E. (a) AUTHORITY TO USE FUND AMOUNTS.—There are authorized to be charged against the United States Mint P ublic Enterprise Fund such amounts as may be necessary to pay for the cost of the medals struck pursuant to this Act. (b) PROCEEDS OF SALE.—Amounts received from the sale of duplicate bronze medals authorized under section 7 (b) shall be deposited into the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund. Approved O ctober 1 5 , 200 8 .