Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4820

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12 2 STA T .479 7 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 422 —O CT. 1 5, 200 8onthelack o f a U n i te dS tate s h um ans p ace fli g hts y stem to r eplace the Space Shuttle upon its planned retirement , currently scheduled for 201 0,andthea b ility of the United States to uphold the policy described in subsection ( a ) , including a description of —’ ’ . (b) BASELIN E M ANI F ES T .— I n addition to the Space Shuttle flights listed as part of the baseline flight manifest as of J anuary 1, 200 8 , the Utili z ation flights U LF–4 and ULF– 5 shall be consid - ered part of the Space Shuttle baseline flight manifest and shall be flo w n prior to the retirement of the Space Shuttle, currently scheduled for 2010. (c) AD DITI O NAL FLI GH T T O D ELI V E R THE AL P HA MAGNETI C SPECTRO M ETER AND O THER SCIENTIFIC EQU IPMENT AND P A Y LOADS TO THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION.— (1) IN GENERAL.—In addition to the flying of the baseline manifest as described in subsection (b), the Administrator shall take all necessary steps to fly one additional Space Shuttle flight to deli v er the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer and other scientific e q uipment and payloads to the International Space Station prior to the retirement of the Space Shuttle. The pur- pose of the mission required to be planned under this subsection shall be to ensure the active use of the United States portion of the International Space Station as a N ational Laboratory by the delivery of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, and to the e x tent practicable, the delivery of flight-ready research experiments prepared under the Memoranda of Understanding between NASA and other entities to facilitate the utilization of the International Space Station National Laboratory, as well as other fundamental and applied life sciences and other micro- gravity research experiments to the International Space Station as soon as the assembly of the International Space Station is completed. (2) FLIGHT SCHEDULE.—If the Administrator, within 12 months before the scheduled date of the additional Space Shuttle flight authorized by paragraph (1), determines that— (A) NASA will be unable to meet that launch date before the end of calendar year 2010, unless the President decides to extend Shuttle operations beyond 2010, or (B) implementation of the additional flight requirement would, in and of itself, result in— (i) significant increased costs to NASA over the cost estimate of the additional flight as determined by the Independent Program Assessment Office, or (ii) unacceptable safety risks associated with making the flight before termination of the Space Shuttle program, the Administrator shall notify the Senate C ommittee on Com- merce, Science, and Transportation and the H ouse of R epresent- atives Committee on Science and Technology of the determina- tion, and provide a detailed explanation of the basis for that determination. After the notification is provided to the Commit- tees, the Administrator shall remove the flight from the Space Shuttle schedule unless the Congress by law reauthorizes the flight or the President certifies that it is in the national interest to fly the mission. (d) TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF ACTIVITIES THAT W OULD PRECLUDE CONTINUED FLIGHT OF SPACE SHUTTLE PRIOR TO REVIE WB Y THE INCOMING 20 0 9 PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION.— Certif i ca ti on.D ea dl ine. P re s ident. N otification.