Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4835

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12 2 STA T .48 12 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 422 —O CT. 1 5, 2008 (1)thecon t ra ct d oe s not s p ec if ica l l y re qu ire the contractor to pro v ide an alternative or synthetic fuel or fuel fro m a non - conventional petroleum source

( 2 ) the purpose of the contract is not to o b tain an alter- native or synthetic fuel or fuel from a nonconventional petro- leum source; and ( 3 ) the contract does not provide incentives for a refinery up g rade or e x pansion to allo w a refinery to use or increase its use of fuel from a nonconventional petroleum source .SEC.1 11 3 .SE N SE OF CON GR ESS ON TH E IMP ORT A NCE OF THE NASA OFFICE OF PROGRAM ANA LY SIS AN D E V AL U ATION. (a) OF F ICEO F PR O G R AMAN A LYS IS AN DEV AL U A T ION. —I tisthe sense of C ongress that it is important for N A S A to maintain an Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation that has as its mission

(1) T o develop strategic plans for NASA in accordance with section 3 06 of title 5,U nited States Code. (2) To develop annual performance plans for NASA in accordance with section 1115 of title 31, United States Code. (3) To provide analysis and recommendations to the Administrator on matters relating to the planning and program- ming phases of the Planning, Programming, B udgeting, and Execution system of NASA. ( 4 ) To provide analysis and recommendations to the Administrator on matters relating to acquisition management and program oversight, including cost-estimating processes, contractor cost reporting processes, and contract performance assessments. (b) O BJ ECTIVES.—It is further the sense of Congress that in performing those functions, the ob j ectives of the Office should be the following: (1) To align NASA ’ s mission, strategic plan, budget, and performance plan with strategic goals and institutional require- ments of NASA. (2) To provide objective analysis of programs and institu- tions of NASA— (A) to generate investment options for NASA; and (B) to inform strategic decision ma k ing in NASA. (3) To enable cost-effective, strategically aligned execution of programs and projects by NASA. (4) To perform independent cost estimation in support of NASA decision making and establishment of standards for agency cost analysis. (5) To ensure that budget formulation and execution are consistent with strategic investment decisions of NASA. (6) To provide independent program and project reviews that address the credibility of technical, cost, schedule, risk, and management approaches with respect to available resources. ( 7 ) To facilitate progress by NASA toward meeting the commitments of NASA. SEC. 111 4 . SENSE OF CONGRESS ON ELEVATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SPACE AND AERONAUTICS W ITHIN THE E X ECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT. It is the sense of Congress that the President should elevate the importance of space and aeronautics within the Executive Office of the President by organi z ing the interagency focus on space and