Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4896

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12 2 STA T .4873PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 432 —O CT. 1 6, 2008 (b)CONF O RMI N GA M E N D MEN T.—Thec h apt e r a n a lysi s fo r chapter 201 isa m en d ed by stri k in g the item relating to section 201 5 2 and inserting the follo w ing

‘ 2015 2 .Notif i ca tio n of gr a de cro s sing p ro bl e m s. ’ ’. SEC.206 . OP E RATI O NL I F ESA V ER. (a) G R A NT.—The F ederal R ailroad Administration shall make a grant or grants to O peration L ifesa v er to carry o u t a public information and education program to help prevent and reduce pedestrian , motor vehicle, and other accidents, incidents, in j uries, and fatalities, and to improve awareness along railroad rights - of-way and at highway-rail grade crossings. The program shall include, as appropriate, development, placement, and dissemination of P ublic S ervice Announcements in newspaper, radio, television, and other media. The program shall also include, as appropriate, school presentations, brochures and materials, support for public awareness campaigns, and related support for the activities of Oper- ation Lifesaver ’ s member organi z ations. As part of an educational program funded by grants awarded under this section, Operation Lifesaver shall provide information to the public on how to identify and report to the appropriate authorities unsafe or malfunctioning highway-rail grade crossings. (b) PI L OT PROGRAM.—The Secretary may allow funds provided under subsection (a) also to be used by Operation Lifesaver to implement a pilot program, to be known as the Railroad Safety Public Awareness Program, that addresses the need for targeted and sustained community outreach on the subjects described in subsection (a). Such a pilot program shall be established in 1 or more States identified under section 202 of this division. I n carrying out such a pilot program Operation Lifesaver shall work with the State, community leaders, school districts, and public and private partners to identify the communities at greatest risk, to develop appropriate measures to reduce such risks, and shall coordinate the pilot program with the State grade crossing action plan. (c) A U T H ORI Z ATION OF A P PROPRIATION S .—There are authorized to be appropriated to the Federal Railroad Administration for car- rying out this section— (1) $ 2,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 and 2011

and (2) $1,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2012 and 201 3 . SEC. 20 7 .FE D ERAL G RANTS TO STATES FOR H IGH W A Y- RAIL GRADE CROSSING SAFETY. (a) IN GENERAL.—Part B of subtitle V is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: ‘ ‘ CHAPTER2 2 5—F E D ERA LG RA N T S T O STATES FOR H I GH W A Y- RAIL GRADE CROSSING SAFETY ‘‘ S ec. ‘‘22501. F inancial assistance to States for certain pro j ects. ‘‘22502. D istrib u tion. ‘‘2250 3 . Standards for a w arding grants. ‘‘2250 4 . U se of funds. ‘‘22505. A ut h ori z ation of appropriations. ‘‘ § 225 01. F ina n c ia l a s sis t anc e t o States f o r certain p ro j ects ‘ ‘The Secretary of Transportation shall make grants— 49USC2 2 501note.