Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4987

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12 2 STA T .496 4 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 16 , 200 8design,co ns tru ct, o p er a te, and m aintain t h e rai l road, rail - road e q uipment, and related f acilities, stations, and infra- structure


a detailed description of the proposed rail ser v ice, including possi b le routes, required infrastructure invest- ments and improvements, equipment needs and t y pe, train frequencies, pea k and average operating speeds, and trip times; ( C ) a description of ho w the pro j ect would comply with F ederal rail safety and security laws, orders, and regula- tions governing high-speed rail operations; ( D ) the locations of proposed stations, which ma x imi z e the usage of existing infrastructure to the extent possible, and the populations such stations are intended to serve; ( E ) the type of equipment to be used, including any technologies, to achieve trip time goals; (F) a description of any proposed legislation needed to facilitate all aspects of the project; ( G ) a financing plan identifying — (i) projected revenue, and sources thereof; (ii) the amount of any requested public contribu- tion toward the project, and proposed sources; (iii) projected annual ridership projections for the first 10 years of operations; (iv) annual operations and capital costs; (v) the projected levels of capital investments required both initially and in subsequent years to maintain a state-of-good-repair necessary to provide the initially proposed level of service or higher levels of service; (vi) projected levels of private investment and sources thereof, including the identity of any person or entity that has made or is expected to make a commitment to provide or secure funding and the amount of such commitment; and (vii) projected funding for the full fair market com- pensation for any asset, property right or interest, or service acquired from, owned, or held by a private person or Federal entity that would be acquired, impaired, or diminished in value as a result of a project, except as otherwise agreed to by the private person or entity; ( H ) a description of how the project would contribute to the development of a national high-speed rail system and an intermodal plan describing how the system will facilitate convenient travel connections with other transpor- tation services; ( I ) a description of how the project will ensure compli- ance with Federal laws governing the rights and status of employees associated with the route and service, including those specified in section 24 40 5 of title 4 9 , U nited S tates Code; ( J ) a description of how the design, construction, implementation, and operation of the project will accommo- date and allow for future growth of existing and projected intercity, commuter, and freight rail service;