Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/499

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12 2 STA T .476PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 SEC.165 1. HANDBO O KF O RM EMBERS OF T HE ARMED FORCES ON COM P ENSAT I ON AND BENEFITS A V AI L ABLE FOR SERIO U SIN J URIES AND ILLNESSES. (a)INFORMATI ON ON AV AI L A B L EC OM P EN S ATION AN DB ENE - FITS .—Notl at er t h a nOc to b er 1,20 0 8 , the S ecretar y o fD efen s e shall d e v elo p and m a i ntain, in handboo k and electronic form, a comprehensive description of the compensation and other benefits to w hich a member of the Armed F orces, and the family of s u ch member, would be entitled upon the separation or retirement of the member from the Armed Forces as a result of a serious in j ury or illness. T he handbook shall set forth the ran g e of such compensa- tion and benefits based on grade, length of service, degree of dis- ability at separation or retirement, and such other factors affecting such compensation and benefits as the Secretary considers appro- priate. (b) CONS U LTATION.—The Secretary of Defense shall develop and maintain the comprehensive description re q uired by subsection (a), including the handbook and electronic form of the description, in consultation with the Secretary of V eterans Affairs, the Secretary of H ealth and Human Services, and the Commissioner of Social Security. (c) U PDATE.—The Secretary of Defense shall update the com- prehensive description required by subsection (a), including the handbook and electronic form of the description, on a periodic basis, but not less often than annually. (d) P ROVISION TO M EMBERS.—The Secretary of the military department concerned shall provide the descriptive handbook under subsection (a) to each member of the Armed Forces described in that subsection as soon as practicable following the injury or illness qualifying the member for coverage under such subsection. (e) PROVISION TO R EPRESENTATIVES.—If a member is incapaci- tated or otherwise unable to receive the descriptive handbook to be provided under subsection (a), the handbook shall be provided to the ne x t of kin or a legal representative of the member, as determined in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Sec- retary of the military department concerned for purposes of this section. Subti t leE— Stu d ie san d R e por ts SEC. 1661. STUD Y ON PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH AND OTHER READJUSTMENT NEEDS OF MEMBERS AND FORMER MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES W HO DEPLOYED IN OPERATION IRA Q I FREEDOM AND OPERATION ENDURIN G FREEDOM AND THEIR FAMILIES. (a) STUD Y RE Q UIRED.—The Secretary of Defense shall, in con- sultation with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, enter into an agreement with the National Academy of Sciences for a study on the physical and mental health and other readjustment needs of members and former members of the Armed Forces who deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation E nduring Freedom and their families as a result of such deployment. (b) P H ASES.—The study required under subsection (a) shall consist of two phases

(1) A preliminary phase, to be completed not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act— Contrac t s.De a dli ne. 10US C10 7 1 note.