Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5087

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12 2 STA T .5064PUBLIC LA W 110 – 45 7—DE C.2 3, 200 8‘ ‘ (i ii )DURATION.—As sis tanceu n d e r t h is p ara g raph m a yb epr ov ided to individua l s determined to be eligible under clause (i) f oraperiodofupto 90 days andmaybee x tended for an additional 3 0 days. ‘‘(iv) L ON G- T E R M A S SISTAN C E F ORC H I LD REN.— ‘‘( I ) E LIGI B ILIT Y DETERMINATION.— B efore the expiration of the period for interim assistance under clause (iii) , the S ecretary of H ealth and Human Services shall determine if the child referred to in clause (i) is eligible for assistance under this paragraph. ‘‘(II) C ONSULTATION.—In ma k ing a determina- tion under subclause (I), the Secretary shall con- sult w ith the Attorney G eneral, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and nongovernmental organi z ations with expertise on victims of severe form of trafficking. ‘‘(III) LETTER OF ELIGIBILITY.—If the Secretary, after receiving information the Secretary believes, taken as a whole, indicates that the child is eligible for assistance under this paragraph, the Secretary shall issue a letter of eligibility. T he Secretary may not re q uire that the child cooperate with law enforcement as a condition for receiving such letter of eligibility. ‘‘(G) N OTIFICATION OF CHILDREN FOR INTERIM ASSIST- ANCE.—Not later than 24 hours after a F ederal, State, or local official discovers that a person who is under 18 years of age may be a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons, the official shall notify the Secretary of Health and Human Services to facilitate the provision of interim assistance under subparagraph (F). ’ ’. (b) TRAINING OF GO V ERNMENT P ERSONNEL.—Section 10 7 (c)(4) of the Trafficking V ictims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U .S.C. 710 5 (c)(4)) is amended— (1) by inserting ‘‘, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Health and Human Services,’’ after ‘‘the Department of State’’

and (2) by inserting ‘‘, including j uvenile victims. The Attorney General and the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall provide training to State and local officials to improve the identification and protection of such victims’’ before the period at the end. SEC.213 .E N S URI N GA SSIS T ANCE FO RA L L V ICTI M S OF TRAFFIC K ING IN P ERSONS. (a) AMENDMENTS TO TRAFFIC K ING VICTIMS PROTECTION ACT OF 2000.— (1) ASSISTANCE FOR UNITED STATES CITI Z ENS AND LA W FUL P ERMANENT RESIDENTS.—Section 107 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7105) is amended by inserting after subsection (e) the following

‘‘(f) ASSISTANCE FOR UNITED STATES CITIZENS AND LAWFUL PERMANENT R ESIDENTS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, shall establish a program to assist United Deadlin e .