Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5167

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12 2 STA T .5 1 4 4 CON C UR R E NT RESO L UT I ONS —J UNE 5 , 2 0 0 8Sec.206 . D e fi ci t-n e u t ral re s er v e fun d f o r m iddle-income ta x relief and economic e q - uit y . Sec. 20 7 . Deficit-neutral reserve fund for reform of t h e alternative minimum tax. Sec. 20 8 . Deficit-neutral reserve fund for hi g her education. Sec. 20 9 . Deficit-neutral reserve fund for afforda b le housing. Sec. 2 1 0. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for M edicare im p rovements. Sec. 211. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for health care quality , effectiveness, and effi- ciency. Sec. 212. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for Medicaid and other programs. Sec. 21 3 . Deficit-neutral reserve fund for a 9 / 11 health program. Sec. 21 4 . Deficit-neutral reserve fund for trade ad j ustment assistance and unem- ployment insurance moderni z ation. Sec. 21 5 . Deficit-neutral reserve fund for county payments legislation. Sec. 216. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for San J oaquin R iver restoration and N avajo Nation w ater rights settlements. Sec. 217. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for the National P ar kC entennial F und. Sec. 218. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for child support enforcement. Sec. 219. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for children and families. Sec. 220. Reserve fund adjustment for revenue measures in the H ouse. Subtitle B— Senate Reserve Funds Sec. 221. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to strengthen and stimulate the A merican economy and provide economic relief to American families. Sec. 222. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for improving education. Sec. 223. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for investments in America ’ s infrastructure. Sec. 224. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to invest in clean energy, preserve the envi- ronment, and provide for certain settlements. Sec. 225. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for America’s veterans and servicemembers. Sec. 226. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for education benefits for servicemembers, veterans, and their families. Sec. 227. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to improve America’s health. Sec. 228. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for reform of the alternative minimum tax. Sec. 229. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for judicial pay and judgeships. Sec. 230. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for immigration enforcement and reform. Sec. 231. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for science parks. Sec. 232. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to terminate deductions from mineral rev- enue payments to States. Sec. 233. Deficit-reduction reserve fund for increased use of recovery audits. Sec. 234. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for food safety. Sec. 235. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for demonstration project regarding Medicaid coverage of low-income H IV -infected individuals. Sec. 236. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for reducing the income threshold for the re- fundable child tax credit, and other selected tax relief policies. Sec. 237. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for a 9/11 health program. T IT LE III—B U D G ET ENF O RCEMENT Subtitle A—House Enforcement Provisions Sec. 301. Program integrity initiatives and other adjustments. Sec. 302. Point of order against advance appropriations. Subtitle B—Senate Enforcement Provisions Sec. 311. Senate point of order against legislation increasing long-term deficits. Sec. 312. Discretionary spending limits, program integrity initiatives, and other ad- justments. Sec. 313. Point of order against advance appropriations. Sec. 314. Senate point of order against provisions of appropriations legislation that constitute changes in mandatory programs with net costs. Sec. 315. Senate point of order against legislation increasing short-term deficit. Subtitle C—Other Provisions Sec. 321. Oversight of government performance. Sec. 322. Budgetary treatment of certain discretionary administrative expenses. Sec. 323. Application and effect of changes in allocations and aggregates. Sec. 324. Adjustments to reflect changes in concepts and definitions. Sec. 325. Exercise of rulemaking powers. TITLE IV—POLIC Y Sec. 401. Policy of the House on middle-income tax relief. Sec. 402. Policy on defense priorities. TITLE V—SENSE OF THE SENATE AND CONGRESS Subtitle A—Sense of the Senate Sec. 501. Sense of the Senate regarding Medicaid administrative regulations.