Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5170

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12 2 STA T .5 1 47CON C UR R E NT RESO L UT I ONS —J UNE 5 , 2 0 0 8Fiscalye a r20 0 8:(A)N e wbudg e t aut ho rity ,$5 ,0 1 0,000,000 . ( B ) O utlays, $ 4 , 9 44,000,000. Fiscal year 2009: (A) New budget authority, $5,2 3 3,000,000. (B) Outlays, $5,1 6 0,000,000. Fiscal year 2010: (A) New budget authority, $5,359,000,000. (B) Outlays, $5,332,000,000. Fiscal year 2011: (A) New budget authority, $5,500,000,000. (B) Outlays, $5,4 7 5,000,000. Fiscal year 2012: (A) New budget authority, $5,653,000,000. (B) Outlays, $5,626,000,000. Fiscal year 2013: (A) New budget authority, $5,817,000,000. (B) Outlays, $5,789,000,000. SEC.103 . PO S TAL SE RVI CE D ISCRETIO N AR Y AD M INISTRATIVE E X PENSES. In the S enate, the a m ounts o f new budget authority and budget outlays of the P ostal Ser v ice for discretionary administrative e xp enses are as follows: Fiscal year 2008: (A) New budget authority, $250,000,000. (B) Outlays, $237,000,000. Fiscal year 2009: (A) New budget authority, $258,000,000. (B) Outlays, $258,000,000. Fiscal year 2010: (A) New budget authority, $267,000,000. (B) Outlays, $267,000,000. Fiscal year 2011: (A) New budget authority, $275,000,000. (B) Outlays, $275,000,000. Fiscal year 2012: (A) New budget authority, $284,000,000. (B) Outlays, $284,000,000. Fiscal year 2013: (A) New budget authority, $293,000,000. (B) Outlays, $293,000,000. SEC. 10 4 .MA J OR FU NCTIONAL CATE G ORIES. T he C ongress determines and declares that the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for fiscal years 2008 through 2013 for each ma j or functional category are: (1) National D efense (050): Fiscal year 2008: (A) New budget authority, $590,686,000,000. (B) Outlays, $576,173,000,000. Fiscal year 2009: (A) New budget authority, $542,497,000,000. (B) Outlays, $573,362,000,000. Fiscal year 2010: (A) New budget authority, $550,414,000,000. (B) Outlays, $560,726,000,000. Fiscal year 2011: