Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/58

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12 2 STA T .35PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 com m uni c at ion s s y st e ms necessa r ytosu p port F uture C om b at S ys - tems bri g a d e operations .( c )REPORT . —N ot l ater t h an 120 days a f ter completing the operational test and e v aluation re q uired by subsection (a) , the D irector, O perational T est and E valuation shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the outcome of the operational test and evaluation. The report shall include, at a minimum— (1) an evaluation of the overall operational effectiveness of the FCS net w or k , including— ( A ) an evaluation of the FCS network ’ s capability to transmit the volume and classes of data required by Future Combat Systems approved requirements

and ( B ) an evaluation of the FCS network’s performance in a degraded condition due to enemy network attack, sophisticated enemy electronic warfare, adverse weather conditions, and terrain variability; (2) an evaluation of the FCS network’s ability to improve friendly force knowledge of the location and capability of enemy forces and combat systems; and ( 3 ) an evaluation of the overall operational suitability of the FCS network. (d) LIM IT A TIO NP EN D IN G S UB MI S SION O F REPORT.— (1) I N GENERA L .—No funds, with the e x ception of funds for advanced procurement, appropriated pursuant to an authori z ation of appropriations or otherwise made available to the Department of the Army for any fiscal year may be obligated for low-rate initial production or full-rate production of Future Combat Systems manned ground vehicles until 6 0 days after the date on which the report is submitted under subsection (c). (2) W AI V ER AUT H ORIT Y .—The Secretary of Defense may waive the limitation in paragraph (1) if the Secretary deter- mines that such a waiver is critical for national security. Such a waiver shall not become effective until 45 days after the date on which the Secretary submits to the congressional defense committees a written notice of the waiver. (3) INAPPLI C ABILITY TO THE NON LINE OF SIGHT CANNON VEHICLE.—The limitation in paragraph (1) does not apply to the Non Line of Sight Cannon vehicle. SEC.21 2. LIM I TA TI ON ON U SEO F FUN D SFO R S Y STEMS DE V ELO P MENT AND DEMONSTRATION OF J OINT LI GH T TACTICAL VEHICLE PROGRAM. Of the amounts appropriated pursuant to an authorization of appropriations or otherwise made available for the J oint Light Tactical V ehicle Program for the acquisition program phase of sys- tems development and demonstration for fiscal year 200 8 or any fiscal year thereafter, no more than 50 percent of those amounts may be obligated or expended until after— (1) the U nder Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Tech- nology, and Logistics, or the appropriate milestone decision authority, makes the certification required by section 2366a of title 10, United States Code, with respect to the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Program; and (2) the certification has been received by the congressional defense committees. Certif i ca ti on.