Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/650

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12 2 STA T .6 2 7PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 6 —FE B.1 4, 2008 theUni te dS t a te s, t o in f o rm de c isions on f u ndin g andonthea l loca - tion and coordination of resources .N ot later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this A ct, the Administrator shall su b mit to C ongress a re p ort on the results of the stud y . SEC.107 . V E T E RAN S ASS I STANCE AN D SERVICES P R OG RA M . Section 21 of the Small B usiness Act ( 1 5 U.S.C. 6 48) is amended by adding at the end the follo w ing

‘(n) VET E RANS ASS I STAN C EAN D SER V ICES P R OG RA M . — ‘‘(1) I N GENERA L .—A small business de v elopment center may apply for a grant under this subsection to carry out a veterans assistance and services program. ‘‘(2) E LEMENTS O FP ROGRAM.—Under a program carried out with a grant under this subsection, a small business development center shall— ‘‘(A) create a mar k eting campaign to promote aware- ness and education of the services of the center that are available to veterans, and to target the campaign toward veterans, service-disabled veterans, military units, F ederal agencies, and veterans organi z ations

‘‘(B) use technology-assisted online counseling and dis- tance learning technology to overcome the impediments to entrepreneurship faced by veterans and members of the Armed Forces; and ‘‘(C) increase coordination among organizations that assist veterans, including by establishing virtual integra- tion of service providers and offerings for a one-stop point of contact for veterans who are entrepreneurs or owners of small business concerns. ‘‘( 3 ) AMO U NT OF GRANTS.—A grant under this subsection shall be for not less than $7 5, 0 00 and not more than $250,000. ‘‘(4) FUNDING.—Sub j ect to amounts approved in advance in appropriations Acts, the Administration may make grants or enter into cooperative agreements to carry out the provisions of this subsection. ’ ’. TI T LE II —R E S ER V IST P R OG R AM S SEC. 2 01. RESERVIST PROGRAMS. (a) APPLICATION PERIOD.—Section 7(b)(3)(C) of the Small Busi- ness Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(3)(C)) is amended— (1) by striking ‘‘ 9 0 days’’ and inserting ‘‘1 year’’; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘ T he Administrator may, when appropriate (as determined by the Administrator), e x tend the ending date specified in the preceding sentence by not more than 1 year.’’. (b) PRE-CONSIDERATION PROCESS.— (1) D EFINITION.—In this subsection, the term ‘‘eligible R eservist’’ means a Reservist who— (A) has not been ordered to active duty; (B) expects to be ordered to active duty during a period of military conflict; and (C) can reasonably demonstrate that the small business concern for which that Reservist is a key employee will suffer economic injury in the absence of that Reservist. 15USC63 6 note.D e adli ne. R e p o r t s .