Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/707

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12 2 STA T .684PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 9 9 — AP R .9 , 2008 (A)as s e ss ea chpri s on er ’ ss k i l lle v el (incl ud in g aca - de m ic , voca t ional, health, cognitive, interpersonal, dail y living, and related reentry skills) at the b eginning o f the term of imprisonment of that prisoner to identify any areas in need of improvement prior to reentry

( B ) generate a skills development plan for each pris- oner to monitor skills enhancement and reentry readiness throughout incarceration; ( C ) determine program assignments for prisoners based on the areas of need identified through the assessment described in subparagraph (A); ( D ) ensure that priority is given to the reentry needs of high-risk populations, such as se x offenders, career crimi- nals, and prisoners w ith mental health problems; ( E ) coordinate and collaborate with other F ederal agen- cies and with S tate, T ribal, and local criminal j ustice agen- cies, community-based organi z ations, and faith-based organizations to help effectuate a seamless reintegration of prisoners into communities; (F) collect information about a prisoner’s family rela- tionships, parental responsibilities, and contacts with chil- dren to help prisoners maintain important familial relation- ships and support systems during incarceration and after release from custody; and ( G ) provide incentives for prisoner participation in skills development programs . ( 2 ) I ncentives for a prisoner who participates in reentry and skills development programs which may, at the discretion of the Director, include — (A) the maximum allowable period in a community confinement facility; and (B) such other incentives as the Director considers appropriate (not including a reduction of the term of impris- onment). (b) I DENTIF I CA TI O N AND R E L EA S E ASSISTANCE FO R FEDERAL P RISONERS.— ( 1 ) OB TAININ G IDENTIFICATION.—The Director shall assist prisoners in obtaining identification (including a social security card, driver’s license or other official photo identification, or birth certificate) prior to release. (2) ASSISTANCE DE V ELO P ING RELEASE PLAN.—At the re q uest of a direct-release prisoner, a representative of the U nited States Probation System shall, prior to the release of that prisoner, help that prisoner develop a release plan. ( 3 ) DIRECT-RELEASE PRISONER DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘ ‘direct-release prisoner’’ means a prisoner who is scheduled for release and will not be placed in prerelease cus- tody. (c) I M PROVED REENTR Y PROCED U RES FOR FEDERAL PRISONERS.— The Attorney General shall take such steps as are necessary to modify the procedures and policies of the Department of J ustice with respect to the transition of offenders from the custody of the Bureau of Prisons to the community— (1) to enhance case planning and implementation of reentry programs, policies, and guidelines;