Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/721

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12 2 STA T .698PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 202 — AP R .2 3, 2008 ‘ ‘ (iv) i mpro v est r a te g ies t h at are prove n to b ee f fe c- tive in re du cing fa l lsb y tailoring these strategies to specific populations of older adults

‘‘(v) conduct research in order to ma x imi z e the dissemination of proven , effective fall prevention inter- ventions; ‘‘(vi) intensify proven interventions to prevent falls among older adults; ‘‘(vii) improve the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of elderly fall victims and older adults at high ris k for falls; and ‘‘(viii) assess the risk of falls occurring in various settings; ‘‘( B ) conduct research concerning barriers to the adop- tion of proven interventions w ith respect to the prevention of falls among older adults; ‘‘( C ) conduct research to develop, implement, and evaluate the most effective approaches to reducing falls among high-risk older adults living in communities and long-term care and assisted living facilities; and ‘‘( D ) evaluate the effectiveness of community programs designed to prevent falls among older adults . ‘‘( 2 ) EDUCATION A LS U P PO R T. —T he S ecretary, either directly or through awarding grants, contracts, or cooperative agree- ments to q ualified organizations, institutions, or consortia of qualified organizations and institutions, specializing, or dem- onstrating expertise, in falls or fall prevention, may provide professional education for physicians and allied health profes- sionals, and aging service providers in fall prevention, evalua- tion, and management. ‘‘(c) D EM ONSTRATION P RO J ECTS.—The Secretary may carry out the following

‘‘( 1 ) O versee and support demonstration and research pro j ects to be carried out by qualified organizations, institu- tions, or consortia of qualified organizations and institutions, specializing, or demonstrating expertise, in falls or fall preven- tion, in the following areas: ‘‘( A ) A multistate demonstration project assessing the utility of targeted fall risk screening and referral programs. ‘‘(B) Programs designed for community-dwelling older adults that utilize multicomponent fall intervention approaches, including physical activity, medication assess- ment and reduction when possible, vision enhancement, and home modification strategies. ‘‘(C) Programs that are targeted to new fall victims who are at a high risk for second falls and which are designed to maximize independence and quality of life for older adults, particularly those older adults with functional limitations. ‘‘(D) Private sector and public-private partnerships to develop technologies to prevent falls among older adults and prevent or reduce injuries if falls occur. ‘‘(2)(A) Award grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements to qualified organizations, institutions, or consortia of qualified organizations and institutions, specializing, or demonstrating expertise, in falls or fall prevention, to design, implement,