Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/726

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12 2 STA T .703PUBLIC LA W 110 – 203 — AP R .23 , 200 8Wher e ast he A r myc a n n o t g oto w arors u sta i nami l itary o p eration without the s k ille d and trained R eady Reser v e and Retired Reserve soldiers o f the Army Reserve

Whereas the S elected Reserve component of the Army Reserve is comprised of more than 30, 000 officers and 15 0,000 enlisted soldiers who have volunteered their personal service in defense of the C onstitution and their fellow citi z ens; Whereas the Army and the Army Reserve are recognized as institu - tions that have played historic and decisive roles in promoting the cause of individual dignity and the value of integration; Whereas nearly one in four Selected Reserve soldiers and more than one in five I ndividual Ready Reserve soldiers are women whose contri b utions are consistently characterized by a high degree of commitment, professionalism, and military bearing; Whereas the ability of individual soldiers and the Army Reserve to perform their wartime missions is contingent on the active engagement and support of their families, employers, and local communities; Whereas the Army Reserve is a community-based force with an active presence in 1,100 communities and 97 5 Army Reserve centers in operation throughout the U nited States; Whereas Sir Winston Churchill once remarked that ‘ ‘Reservists are twice the citizen ’ ’, a sentiment that applies especially to the soldiers of the Army Reserve; and Whereas the Army Reserve makes these contributions to the secu- rity of our N ation in return for less than 5 percent of the Army’s total budget

Now, therefore, be it Resolv e dbyth e S e na te and H o u seo f Re pr esentat i ves of the U nited States of Am eri c ain C on g ress assembled ,T hat the Con- gress —( 1 ) congratulates the Army Reserve on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the enactment of its original author- izing law; ( 2 ) recognizes and commends the Army Reserve for the selfless and dedicated service of its past and present citizen- soldiers whose personal courage, contributions, and sacrifices have helped preserve the freedom and advance the national security and homeland defense of the United States; and